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Congratulations on the new addition to the family. I bet that it was love at first site and then holding that little guy pretty much did you in. You are going to love having him around and watching him grow.

Respect your Environment and others right to use it!


A 19 incher eh? Sounds like he's a keeper! I'm a father of 3 wonderful boys ages 6, 2, and 5 months. The smallest is going to be the one we'll hafta watch out for. Can't even crawl yet and he gets into stuff. They are a blessing, congrats!

Each time I buy a new fly............

My wife gives me the same look........

I give her when she buys another purse...


A 19 incher eh? Sounds like he's a keeper! I'm a father of 3 wonderful boys ages 6, 2, and 5 months. The smallest is going to be the one we'll hafta watch out for. Can't even crawl yet and he gets into stuff. They are a blessing, congrats!

Wait just a minute.. A 19 incher is in the slot. You got to throw that one back til he grows a bit more. :lol:



Yes, I'm That Guy


Blessings and congratulations to you and your family.


Don May

I caught you a delicious bass.

  • Members


Just had my first fishing buddy 2 months ago. Still not old enough to fish, but watched the boats go by last weekend for a little bit. Had fun.


Wow guys thank you so much! Very stressful last few days. He is doing great. Eating well, and pooping well...lol.

Mom is sleeping alot and soaking in the tub, she had a hard labor and is doing great. Looking forward to getting an ul rod in his hands early, but you know how that goes. Gotta wait a few months...ahem...years.

Thanks again guys for every well wish. I appreciate it more than you could know!


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