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a few years ago i had a buddy of mine take me to this fishing hut at on of the marinas at stockton. i wanna think it was somewhere by the dam but am not sure due to the fact that we went up there in the middle of the night i was wondering if anyone might know where i am talking about i wanna think he said something about mutton creek but im not sure. the reason i ask is because i want to take my boys up there they are six and cant handle to cold well enough to get out in it for to long. any input is appreciated.


there was one at mutton creek for years. I believe it closed a couple years ago, but I might be wrong


yea they closed the headed dock

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bummer thx for the input does anyone know where els there might be one other than lake of the ozarks. i heard of one on pome de terre but never got up there to check it out..


pomme used to have one but its no longer there as far as i know it was located at the marina by the dam

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that stinks. i wonder y they have shut them down. probably due to people trashing the area. its sad that this kind of stuff happens assuming that is the reason.

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The dock at mutton creek closed for several reasons. People were trashing the place and breaking windows. Also, they were not paying to use the dock. It had a drop box and was mainly on an honor system. Too bad a bunch of tightwad jerks had to ruin it for everyone else. They talked about putting in a new fishing dock for awhile but never did follow through with it. It is very expensive to build a new dock and they would probably have to charge a lot to ever get their money back.

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The crappie were biting good on Grand Lake at the heated docks last weekend. A coworker of mine went and they got their limits of slab crappie fishing in 25 feet of water. The funny thing was the fish were suspended at 8 feet down. Kind of odd for this time of year. They were using plastic jigs that were hot pink and purple. For some reason the crappie love those colors on Grand in the winter.


The one at Pomme shut down because of new owners turning it into a restaurant. The heated dock part was actually turned into a dance floor for the weekends at the restaurant.

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