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Introduction to Fly Tying
Mondays, January 26 and February 2, 9 & 16, 2015
August A. Busch Memorial Conservation Area, Classroom 1 (6 p.m. – 9 p.m.)
Call 636-441-4554 to register
This four-night series will teach you all you need to know to enjoy a lifetime of creating your own flies for trout, pan fish and bass. Each class builds upon previous classes and includes all materials, tools and equipment. Best of all, you can use the flies you tie to catch fish this season! Members of the Ozark Fly Fishers will lead you step-by-step through several fly patterns and types. Information covered will be perfect for the novice or beginning fly tier. Participants should bring a fly box or canister to store flies.
For more information contact Malcolm Royse at 636-300-1953 x 4140 or Malcolm.Royse@mdc.mo.gov

Anybody in the St. Louis area sign up for this? I will be attending.


0zark does a great job with that class. Definetly worth your time if you want to get started with fly tying.

Just got back from the 1st class a little while ago. When through the basic tools and how to use them. Tied a couple of San wan worms and ran out of time. The 3 hours went pretty fast.

Gavin was right, I think the class is going to be well worth my time and I'm sure I will be learning many things.

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