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I was out on the water today planned on stopping at Lilly's landind today to catch with phil instead I had a guy pull throttle on me, I was following him around other anglers in boats, which is respectful, I do the same but always look behind me. Then get accused of following to close. Look I was respectful of you and you still ran your mouth im at home now and still ticked off about it. Wth.


I think there were a lot of them out today, fishing with a friend of mine today and had a pontoon pull up twenty feet from me in the spot where I had been casting for quite a while. I said are you kidding me you have watched me fishing here and yet you pull right on top of where we are catching fish. He said you don't own the lake, I said have you ever heard of fishing etiquette I don't think he had. He said how many fish have you caught? I said about fifty, we were on a good school. He said he had the conservation agent on speed dial and he was going to call him because we were catching too many fish, I said we don't keep fish. Other than that we had a wonderful day.


Ours was a boating problem but a wading problem. Fished last week and there were very few out there Monday, it never got above freezing. Had a guy walk up to within 15 feet of us, and we weren't fishing in an outlet. Then after about 10 minutes he decide to wade downstream of us, but he never got out of the water. He walked right behind us, 5 feet or so. Didn't say excuse me or even make sure we weren't about to case. Felt like casting any way just to see if I could hook him on the back cast. Even made a commit about him out loud, know he could hear me and it didn't seem to faze him one bit. I guess some people think just because the bought a lic. & stamp that they own the water.



My biggest pet peeve is when people operate at 1/2 throttle near a bunch of anchored fishermen. Either idle or keep it up on plane!

BINGO!!! I don't know if they think they are being courteous or what, but if they would just look behind them they would see the big rollers they are hitting everybody with. The same people probably complain about me "flying" past them in the Gator, but I guarantee they would not like it one bit if I sunk that stern down and put 3' rollers in their direction!

Had a pontoon, and another boat trolling between us and the bank we were casting toward too. That's not just a.lack of courtesy, and ethics, that was just plain stupid!!!

Real men go propless!

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