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I just got a card in the mail and the Corps are holding public open house on the following dates on revisions to the Master Plan for Beaver Lake.

March 10 Fayeteville- Town Center-15 west mountain 2pm-7pm

March 11 Rogers- 1ST Baptist Churh Olive Street Campus - 626 W Olive Street- 2pm-7pm

March 12 Eureka Springs- Inn of the Ozarks- 207 W Van Buren 2pm-7pm

They are asking for YOUR input.


Thanks for the notice. I didn't get one. Hope to attend the one in Rogers. I can think of a few no wake zones that could be added. Lol!

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Anyone know what the process is for requesting changes- such as no wake zones? Our docks are in back of a popular wakeboarding cove and they get pounded. Additionally it can be argued that shallow water and dock anchors pose a threat to boats.


Anyone know what the process is for requesting changes- such as no wake zones? Our docks are in back of a popular wakeboarding cove and they get pounded. Additionally it can be argued that shallow water and dock anchors pose a threat to boats.

Good question to ask at the open house!


What I would like to see;

  1. No wake zones established in any Cove where the shoreline is less than 200 yards high water to High water or where underwater obstructions (pole timber) could cause harm to persons or watercraft.
  2. Moratorium on all docks that cannot hold more than 10 boats and all slips must be sold prior to the dock being installed and be (community only docks) as well as removal of all single boat docks.
  3. Monte Ne Historical area turned in to a Park and Ramp improvements (3 lane ramp with floating docks ) Playground and concessions sites, possibly even rebuilding of the old Motels and have them turned in to turn of the century shops as well as a paved area for parking. Also have a Building with the Historical information of Beaver Lake there with a possible meeting hall for groups.
  4. Trout Stocking at Prairie Creek and Monte Ne when water temperatures permit.
  5. Placement of Fishing Piers at each state park and 12 bridge area.

The first one should be a no brainer it’s a safety issue. The second one is more esthetics, Beaver is a beautiful lake and I really do not want to see it go the way of other lakes where its scenery is destroyed by one dock after another. The third would give people a place where they can enjoy the lake that is historical plus with a building/meeting area a place central to most cities for groups to meet and the history of the lake past and present to be archived and researchable. The 4th though I’m by no means an avid trout fishermen many people enjoy it and that would be a great winter fishery for the lake as well as a safe place and more importantly enforceable area. And finally one of the biggest things I hear is where to fish from shore and unless you own property or know someone there really is not many places available for people.


Trout? You just want fatter stripers!

I agree, though, that stocking would be a great idea for Beaver--either trout or kokanee should survive well in the deep end during the summer. I do like kokanee (naturally landlocked sockeye salmon that usually grow to trout size), as they are lake spawners and could establish a spawning population.


Actually for the trout I have seen how fast they get pulled from lake Atalanta and believe at PC there would be better enforcement to ensure more people have a chance than just a few loading trucks up. Plus its an area that has ample shoreline for families and allow boaters as well to have fun. Stripers might come in to play at some point but so long as the alternate stocking locations and days and maybe even raise some larger trout I don't think it would become an issue. I would just like to see families without boats given a nice safe place with ample parking a chance to have some fun.


Good suggestions but one thing to keep in mind. The COE doesn't make the decisions regarding what fish are stocked. That's determined by the area District Fisheries Biologist for the AGFC (Jon Stein). In most cases trout stocking is incompatible with lakes that have good striper populations since they are forced to occupy the same areas of the lake during the summer (cool water below the thermocline) and striped bass have a feeding preference for fish without dorsal spines (trout and shad).


What I would like to see;

  1. No wake zones established in any Cove where the shoreline is less than 200 yards high water to High water or where underwater obstructions (pole timber) could cause harm to persons or watercraft.
  2. Moratorium on all docks that cannot hold more than 10 boats and all slips must be sold prior to the dock being installed and be (community only docks) as well as removal of all single boat docks.
  3. Monte Ne Historical area turned in to a Park and Ramp improvements (3 lane ramp with floating docks ) Playground and concessions sites, possibly even rebuilding of the old Motels and have them turned in to turn of the century shops as well as a paved area for parking. Also have a Building with the Historical information of Beaver Lake there with a possible meeting hall for groups.
  4. Trout Stocking at Prairie Creek and Monte Ne when water temperatures permit.
  5. Placement of Fishing Piers at each state park and 12 bridge area.

The first one should be a no brainer it’s a safety issue. The second one is more esthetics, Beaver is a beautiful lake and I really do not want to see it go the way of other lakes where its scenery is destroyed by one dock after another. The third would give people a place where they can enjoy the lake that is historical plus with a building/meeting area a place central to most cities for groups to meet and the history of the lake past and present to be archived and researchable. The 4th though I’m by no means an avid trout fishermen many people enjoy it and that would be a great winter fishery for the lake as well as a safe place and more importantly enforceable area. And finally one of the biggest things I hear is where to fish from shore and unless you own property or know someone there really is not many places available for people.

#1 would make life a lot safer at the lake

#2 Im kinda puzzled by this one

#3 this would be nice, it certainly needs an upgrade, #5 kinda fits the same category

#4 I totally agree, trout could survive right now. Lol

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