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Would is be bad stream etiquette to start throwing rocks at this point :P

My motto has always been "SHUT UP AND FISH" I usually have a CD I play on my way to the water, it is filled with everything from Bruce Springsteen, George Strait, AC/DC, etc. They are all songs I love and the last song playing when i shut the car off is what is stuck in my head for the rest of the day.

So far "Blame it on Mexico" by George Strait is leading the pack for most sucessful songs for catching trout.


You are so stupid you threw a rock at the ground and missed.

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Jeez, I listen to everything from Bethoveen to Flatt and Skruggs.... Some Skynard, Molly Hatchet, Travis Tritt, Stones, STP, Hank Jr., Willie, Waylon, Johnny Cash, ZZ Top, Nine Inch Nails, RHCP, Diamond Rio, Mozart, Bach, Mark Knopfler (before and after Dire Straits), Merle Haggard, Bill Monroe, Robert Johnson, B B King, Keb Mo, Buddy Guy...

And my all-time favorite - "Blind Melon Chittlin'"

"Goin' downtown

Gonna see my gal"

(You fill in the rest...)



"There he stands, draped in more equipment than a telephone lineman, trying to outwit an organism with a brain no bigger than a breadcrumb, and getting licked in the process." - Paul O’Neil

Brad Paisley- Redneck Yaught club and


i was under the impression craig morgan sang that one.

i'm gonna miss her is a good fishin song, but my all time favorite is by the nitty gritty dirt band... fishin in the dark.

Cute animals taste better.


I'm like Beeson as far as my eclectic mix of music taste goes. I also have the last song that was on in car play in my head while I fish. I do not take music on the river with me.

When I camp at night after I fish, I like a little music now and then. One night a couple of years ago, the last song I played before crashing out was "Poop in a Jar" by Hayseed Dixie. My friend complained that he couldn't sleep because the song kept playing in his head all night. Since then, I like to make that one the last song I play each night I camp.


Don May

I caught you a delicious bass.


Saw them a "hunnert" years ago, Dano. They were purty good then...

Then again, since I use to work close by and your wife is from that area, what about Black Oak Arkansas?

C'mon, Dano... we know you listen to "E" all the time. Besides, your wife says you're a "Hunk-a Hunk-a Burnin' Love!"



"There he stands, draped in more equipment than a telephone lineman, trying to outwit an organism with a brain no bigger than a breadcrumb, and getting licked in the process." - Paul O’Neil


Okay Dano... I'll fess up. I'm one of those guys with a "Blue Tooth thingy" in my ear and IPOD, but it's not music. I download a number of flyfishing podcast from the Net. There are several excellent programs like Flyfish Radio, Global Flyfisherman, and Zack Matthew's Itinerent Angler that are well worth downloading. Even if you don't have an MP3 player, any computer with a sound card will work. And, no I do not take it near the water. I'm too inclined to take dunkings to carry around expensive electronics. Believe me, I forgot a new Blackberry that was in my pocket last spring white bass fishing on the James. Bad move. Besides, if you're close enough to hear what I'm listening too on the river through my ear phone, you're WAY too close.


AKA Flysmith - Cassville MO

Okay Dano... I'll fess up. I'm one of those guys with a "Blue Tooth thingy" in my ear and IPOD, but it's not music.

But Steve my friend you ain't wearing while you iz fishing and lettin that thang disturb your solace either..so I don't count that agin ya pal!!!! :lol:

Glass Has Class

"from the laid back lane in the Arkansas Ozarks"

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Okay, the music you listen to driving to & from fishing is one thing, the music you listen to while camping is another. Sometimes I like to take the 'ol guitar & just noodle around on it while sitting around a campfire.

Once while staying in a campground years ago, late in the evening, some guy at another site would play the harmonica. He'd do 2 or 3 tunes & then quit. I swear, the whole public campground (which is usually pretty noisy) would just stop & listen. This was before cell phones were so ubiquitous in our lives. Now we have the phones ringing all the time.

Alices Restaurant is a great campfire song.



You can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant...



"There he stands, draped in more equipment than a telephone lineman, trying to outwit an organism with a brain no bigger than a breadcrumb, and getting licked in the process." - Paul O’Neil

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