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is rescheduled Tuesday night here at Lilleys' Landing at 7 pm. Bring you vise and tools... it's free.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

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I was there a couple of weeks ago and had a great time! I would highly recommend anyone to get down there and enjoy the laughs as well as learn a thing or two. Jeremy is a great instructor and really helps you feel comfortable even if you have never tied a fly in your life (like your truly)

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I was in one of Jeremy's classes along with two other young guys. In the hour to hour in a half I was with him I learned alot. I am a beginning tyer and Jeremy helped gave me new ideas and showed me that there is more than one way to accomplish a tie.

Warning!!! He will wear you out with his enthusiasm!!!!

Have fun!!

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Went to Jeremy's class this past tuesday with a buddy of mine. As soon as we walked in we began laughing. Hes a great instructor and will help you with anything from something simple to anything you can think of. Bring your vise because he will teach you easier steps than you might already know. I was able to take pictures of him , during step by step instructions on certian flies. I think these pics will be posted on his website, www.taneycomotrout.com along with Phils, at Lilleys Landing. Anyway if you havent even begun tying yet still come to see how amazing this guy is. I plan on attending the class every tues. so hopefully I'll meet some new faces.

In search for "Papa Pump"


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Hey this is Chris. Nice to meet both you and your buddy on Tuesday. You are spot on with your assesment of Jeremy's classes. Keep up your focus on the fly-tying and hopefully I will run into you there again in a couple of weeks.

I know I have stated it before, but if anyone reading this hasn't made it to a class yet....you need to experience it. Jeremy's knowledge and willingness to teach are so beneficial to even the most seasoned of anglers. You will have a whole new appreciation for what it takes to create a fly, but also feel a strong sense of pride and excitment to go out and catch a 'bow or two on "your" fly. Thanks again Jeremy and to Lilley's for hosting the event!


Can anyone come to the class? Do you need to RSVP?


"My biggest worry is that my wife (when I'm dead) will sell my fishing gear for what I said I paid for it" - Koos Brandt

Greg Mitchell

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will the classes run through summer? i wont get down there till august but i do plan on attending a class if they are still goin on.

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Greg, yes anyone can attend the class and its absolutely FREE. NO RSVP's are needed. There are no sales pitches, no catches. Just show up with a learning attitude and have fun!

Moose- I will have to defer to Jeremy or Phil for that answer. However, with the enthusiasm and passion that both Phil and Jeremy have for teaching and sharing I am confident that this will go on for a long long tme.


Hello everyone, You know you guy's make all this possible. With out you being at class , there would be no class. To answer your question on the classes going thru summer. Yes, but you will need to check just to make sure. Sometime things come up from time to time and we might not have class that week. So always feel free to call the office and ask, or just give us a shout on here and we will be glad to let you know.

My goal is to get as many people excited about tying as I do. It is alot of fun and I would show anyone willing to learn. That just gets me fired up and then I just want to share as much as I can to get you going in your tying world. I am still learning and that's the fun part. You will never know it all and that's what keeps me going in the sport. I want to do as much as I can in this sport whether it's fishing are tying as long as it's fly fishing. I hope to see more of you in the class and I would love to see everyone show up at once. That would be an exciting class. We are going on our third year and it is always fun to get new tyers in the class.

Accept the drift.....<>>><


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