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Well another reeling and healing is in the books. The participants were a great group of ladies. There were eight in this bunch..


After getting them into their waders it was off to the stream for a quick entomology course. Boot was in charge. Here he is explaining the aquatic life,


We then got the ladies in the stream and et them do the "Westover Shuffle"


Then it was what did we get!


After a break it was time for casting practice,



After lunch we split up and started fishing. There was four fishing sessions so each of us "river helpers" got to take out four different ladies. First trip I got Ramona. We did not get a photo but we did get fish. Session two was Joy.


Here is Kent C. with his one of his ladies. Some of you know Kent.


Next morning after breakfast Myrna and I hit the stream. Mrs. BilletHead was with her the day before. When they caught Myrna started crying which started Mrs. BilletHead to a crying. After that was over Myrna said I am done, I caught one and one is all I can do right now. This is one classy lady, strong God fearing conviction, a beautiful calming voice and is was our pleasure to be able to fish with her.

We caught and she said I'm not going to cry but she had me tearing up a bit,


Here again is Boot and Ramona the first lady I got to fish with,


Here is the only picture I got of the Mrs. and her participant of morning two. Her name was Edit maybe pronounced Eedit? Not sure as she was very hard to understand. She was born in Hungary and is fighting inoperable brain cancer. This gal had a mind of her own. Tried to keep her sitting in a chair when fishing. You will notice where the Mrs. Had ahold of her in the photo. Well right after that she dropped the fish and started going after it right towards the water dragging the wife with her. I tried to get in front telling her let the fish go but no it did not happen and Edit stepped right into the water. Knee deep but down she went getting wet. She then exclaimed I am alright, I like the water, mommy and daddy said I swim like a duck. We got her out and here came the facilitator of the group. She was not amused. We may not be invited back? Actually there was not stopping Edit.


Last session Kathy and I went out. We were the first ones to the water and the last ones back. Kathy is a worker and from what I understand works in a mowing service. She was a little slow on the hook set and we decided she had missed a bazillion strikes but we managed seven to the net,


It was a great time and as always got to meet and fish with some very special ladies. After there graduation it was time for goodbyes. Will be looking forward to the Fall retreat in October if we get asked back :)


"We have met the enemy and it is us",


   If you compete with your fellow anglers, you become their competitor, If you help them you become their friend"

Lefty Kreh

    " Never display your knowledge, you only share it"

Lefty Kreh

         "Eat more bass and there will be more room for walleye to grow!"


    " One thing in life is for sure. If you are careful you can straddle the barbed wire fence but make one mistake and you will be hurting"


  P.S. "May your fences be short or hope you have long legs"


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