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A buddy and myself were out at 7pm yesterday at outlet #2 in anticipation of them turning off the water at 8pm (I luckily overhead a discussion about this at the fly shop). It dropped out in a hurry from 708+ to 701-ish. Scuds and night crawlers were absolutely everywhere on exposed banks. 

We put on the waders and started up by main outlet. Buddy was fly fishing and I was using flys and a bubble float on an ultralight spinning reel... Just something I'm trying and has worked pretty well recently. We both had some eggs, scuds, wooly boogers. Nothing. Not a bite. 

At about 9pm we went down past what we now know was the MDC preparing at the launch ramp for electroshock surveys, we headed to the steps, and on down to our usual spot...the lake is much different after this season than this past winter but I hooked one on a red rooster tail out in what little current remained but he kicked it. Two hours later, Nothing.

The MDC Armada was heading our way (which was neat but a little creepy with the heavy fog) so we went back up to outlet #2 and it had dropped way out by then....

We caught one fish. One very fat, very angry LeRoy Brown....here are some pics. It was about 11:30 and I hurled a rooster tail out in the main current got nailed and it was on like donkey kong with the ultralight! So great. 

Didn't have a net so that was interesting and nerve racking but it worked out.

Looking forward to both trout and hopefully some better small mouth fishing this fall if TR will normalize. 

Released tired after a fight but unharmed. 

Anyways, that's that. 






EASY NOW!!!!! Looks like you are about to spill that beer. ;) 


Nice fish, congrats.


Lol jtram I did end up dumping the beer! You win some you lose some lol. 


Lol jtram I did end up dumping the beer! You win some you lose some lol. 

Just pouring some out for the fish gods. Gotta pay up.

Clay Goforth=4px>

Trophy Anglers Guild


"Happiness resides not in possessions and not in gold; the feeling of happiness dwells in the soul."

- Democritus

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