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Has anyone been fishing the Little Sac River arm of Stockton Lake?

Bill Butts, I have been working in Stockton since the first of February and have noticed you and a couple of others have been up in the Aldrich area the last couple of weeks. Has the fishing there been that good? Please share your fishing information so that others can have some fishing fun as well, do not keep this hot fishing information to yourself :ph34r: .

King Ming

  • Root Admin

KM- check out the Little Sac forum. There's a recent report there.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg



Your post contains a humorous, over zealous, and unsubstantiated accusation.

If you would like information, ask for it in a respectful manner like nearly-100% of the members of this Forum and you will get it.

You asked about the Little Sac arm of the lake. For your information, I don't fish either arm of the lake in the Spring, only the Sac and Little Sac rivers.

The one and only time I was in that area recently was over a week ago for a VERY brief time on the lower Little Sac and it was my decision not to post a report for that reason.

Those on the Forum that have read my posts know that I am a very willing and open contributor and post detailed information when I have something I believe can be helpful to others. I also receive and answer lots of PM and email requests for individual assistance mostly related to the Temperate Bass topics.

You obviously have me confused with someone else, if you think you "noticed me....up in the Aldrich area the last couple of weeks", unless you were there that brief time I was and you know who I am. Perhaps we know each other, perhaps not, but your anonymity on this Forum doesn't give you a license to call people out in attempting to trash their integrity.

If you've been working up in that area for a month, why is it that you haven't posted any information about fishing the area, or even seeing and talking with others fishing there, or what the water temp is, etc? And, why wait so long to ask? Your buddy, Jim, spends a lot of time in a fly shop so wouldn't that be another logical place to get lots of reports from those looking for early season Whites?

There are two Bass Pros and several tackle shops in this general area (50-60 mile radius) that I absolutely guarantee have talked with fishermen that have been hunting for Whites and some will have had success. Why is it that you don't jump all their butts (no pun intended) for not posting reports, too? Many of them read the OA Forum, and some are members.

Dutch posted an excellent report that he caught over 60 Whites one day this week. He also fished on two consecutive days, so he is one you could be asking for information because he has spent enough time there recently to have a good perspective. He has already shared quite a bit of valuable information that you should find helpful, too.

Be sure to post your experiences when you go. This should be a great Spring season with the excellent water conditions it appears we will have. This Forum is enriched by those who are willing to share their knowledge and experiences. Unfortunately, some members and many more non-member readers are purely "takers" and never contribute.

What do the rest of you think?


Bill Butts

Springfield MO

"So many fish, so little time"


Bill_Butts, keep up the good work.

I for one, appreciate your contribution to OAF.

Thanks for all your replies to my PM's too.

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Mr. Butts,

Allow me to reintroduce myself to you, my name is Kenny King. I first met you at Backcountry back in April, and you seemed to be a fairly humorous individual and freely shared some of your information with those in the shop at that time. I guess you are not as humorous when posting or sharing information on the forum, bad assumption on my part. But after dealing with a bunch of irritated, hardheaded bovines, you may understand why the tone of my post is the way it was.

Here is my report of what/how I was doing in the Aldrich/Stockton Lake area. I had 23 pregnant heifers that started calving February 3. As of Friday, I have moved all of my cow calf pairs to my property near Greenfield, where I am able to keep a closer eye on them. Unfortunatley or Luckily, I only lost 3 calves. The last one I lost to coyotes, so I left it in the field and used as a decoy to have an enjoyable coyote shoot Saturday morning. Bagged 1 male and 2 female coyotes with good hides and no sign of any mainge on them. As far as water conditions, I have observed that Stockton has risen about 3 feet, since about the first of February.

I did call Jim Friday and asked him if he knew if anyone was having any success above Aldrich. He told me he had heard of a couple of guys fishing up there but did not know how they were doing. I told him of several vehicles I had seen in the areas where people access. Of the nine vehicles, there were only two he was familiar with a black Chevy 3/4 ton pickup and a silver Ford Ranger. I keep track of unfamilar vehicles in the areas I have my cattle, because it helps local authorities in case of a cattle theft or suspicious activity in the area. If yould would like a list of the vehicles in that area let me know, and I will be happy to share them with you.

As far as being friends with Jim Murphy, Yes, he is a very good friend of mine. I met Jim in the Fall of 1987 at Southwest Baptist University, and I can tell you a lot about him in the 20 years I have known him, some quite funny. He has taught me a lot about fly fishing, fly tying, and catfishing for which I greatly appreciate.

I am familiar with the area tackle shops, most of their information is not very accurate or helpful and because of such I do not do business with them unless I absolutely have to. The shops I have gotten some good information from have been Fin and Feather (for black bass and crappie), Backcountry ( for trout and springtime white bass) and Trantham's (for crappie and catfish), which I believe has closed down. Yes, I did read Dutch's reports. I do not have a boat, so I am restricted to wading only and where I saw Dutch fishing, or atleast assume it was him, I cannot wade to.

Unfortunately, I observed your vehicle, or what was believed to be your vehicle, in an area I had cattle in and made note of it. I did not see you on the water personally, for which I appoligize, I should not have ever made such an assumption. I did make the post to you assuming you had information on the fishing in that particular area, for which I should have sent you a personal message or email instead of broadcasting it out on the forum for all to see, which appears that you did not want to happen. Next time, I will park along the road, hike down to the water and make visual and verbal contact with you.

King Ming


Wow. Rough crowd up there, huh?


"How little do my countrymen know what precious blessings they are in possession of - and which no other people on Earth enjoy."

Thomas Jefferson

(This disclaimer is to state that any posts of a questionable nature are to be interpreted by the reader at their own peril. The writer of this post in no way supports the claims made in this post, or takes resposibility for their interpretations or uses. It is at the discretion of the reader to wrestle through issues of sarcasm, condescension, snobbery, lunacy, left and or right wing conspiracies, lying, cheating, wisdom, enlightenment, or any form of subterfuge contained herein.)



Thanks for your post and explanation.

No hard feelings on my part.

That's a good idea to keep track of unfamiliar vehicles, though it would seem to be a formidable task this time of year with all the fishermen.

Hope to meet up with you up there some time, or in the shop again.

Since you're up there a lot, please post the water temps and water conditions as often as you can.

Good luck, this Spring.


Bill Butts

Springfield MO

"So many fish, so little time"

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