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A friend and I floated the Mulberry on July 6th. We got to Byrds after a nice drive in the foggy foothills. We launched about 7am with Turner Bend as our destination. I had never been on the Mulberry. Summer levels usually find it unfloatable but recent rain had the gauge at 1.6 ft and 140 cfs. 

I found the float very enjoyable. Several tricky twists and shoots. I could see how the white water could be very fun at a gauge height of 3 feet. I cut several new grooves in my kayak; character scars from our trip. 

The fishing was a bit different than I've experienced on the James this summer. The smallies were numerous but undersized. I'd say we caught 50+ smallmouth but most were 8-10". We got a couple 12 but none bigger. I did lose two nice fish- a SM and a LM off a crank bait. Most of the smallies came on a twin tail grub or a PBJ Ned. I ordered a bunch of heads from Dave and they worked great on this trip. The weed guard makes a noticible difference and hook quality is outstanding. 

Every riffle had multiple fish that were ready to bite and fight. But we also pulled smallmouth out of some still slow water which I thought was strange. The colors of the fish were also a bit drab. I'm certainly not complaining. We had a great day. 8 miles we floated and got off the water about 5. The folks at Turner Bend shuttled us up to the truck at Byrds. Nice people at both locations. Turner Bend is for sale, just FYI in case you are looking to get into the outfitter biz. 

All considered, I'm glad we picked the Mulberry. The scenery was cool. We saw only one other floater. We caught lots of fish-all released to be caught again. I might go back to the Mulberry but I'll continue checking off other rivers first. A cool spring fed river would be my first fishing choice over the warmer Mulberry.



Love me the Mulberry, but for floating only.  Can't imagine floating it at the lower levels.  I had heard that the state stocks that stream with smallies?  I could be wrong, but thought I heard that.  Also have to make sure you have all the right things in your boat when floating there.  Mesh bag, cans only, etc.  Glad you caught some though.

"you can always beat the keeper, but you can never beat the post"

There are only three things in life that are certain : death, taxes, and the wind blowing at Capps Creek!


The mulberry has a good population of big fish, but it fishes very differently (in my opinion) than the normal Ozark stream.  Those slower pools hold some oversized and overeducated fish.  Very similar to the Big Piney (in Arkansas) in that regard.  Still haven't floated the Illinois Bayou but it's on the list.

I've floated from Wolfpen to Turner Bend (about sixteen miles I think) in two hours and five minutes.  Did that with my wife when it was about four feet.  I've done it higher but when it gets above that level the rapids just kind of get washed out.  This was huge standing waves and nasty turns.  We managed to stay upright except where the two channels come together below Sacriliac (sp?).  We went down the drop on the left side and were so thrilled that we made it we didn't pay attention to the current coming back in from the right and it just undercut us in an instant.  We were the only canoe that I saw but the kayak folks were having some kind of school out there.  The kayakers were calling it quits and humping their boats up the riprap to the highway in droves.  It was hilarious.  It was probably the most nervous I've been in a canoe and we were definitely in over our heads but it wound up being one of our favorite trips.  Not sure I'd want to do it again.

I have always wanted to fish the river down below turner bend.  There are some long stretches that probably require camping in the summer months.  I think there are probably some good fish down there.  I've run up it from the Arkansas River almost all the way to the I40 bridge.  I've caught a lot of crappie at Vine Prairie where the mulberry hits the big river.


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