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  • Root Admin

Not sure if the word "sign" fits but one thing is for sure... there's alot of mud being slung that shouldn't be. Now it's not the real smelly mud mind you, just black, wet dirt. But before it gets any worse, I have to put my 2 cents in.

I hate saying anything. I have faith in people to settle things themselves and most of the time they do or it just fades away. But sometimes it festers and continues till the lock is put on the door.

I don't know what happened at the cable and it's none of my business.

Agents are people and they make mistakes and have bad days just like the rest of us. They have to be on their toes not to let their bad day run over into making bad judgements. But again, we all do it.

So- there are a lot of fishing forum that let you guys bash each other for little or no reason. If you have to- type it all out- get it off your chest- then delete it. Just don't post it here- again. Nothing else needs to be said about it.


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