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I read about this when I was looking up spoonbill on Tablerock through Google. It said it gets its name from all of the spoonbill that they see when diving here.

It sounds alot like the Virgin Bluff area because it drops off to 100 feet of water, but there is a shelf around 45ft and that is where they see alot of fish at.

I put the coordinates into Google Earth and it takes me over by the state park marina south of Tablerock Dam.

Does anybody else know about this place and has anybody ever snagged there before? I've only ever heard of snagging on the James River arm of Tablerock so I was curious.


I have been a scuba diver for many years, one thing I have learned is that most divers are worse than fisherman for STRETCHING THE TRUTH about numbers and size of fish and location. I have seen many brag about seeing 5lb smallmouth, me being on the same dive I know it was maybe a 2 lb smallie and so on.

Last year at a walleye spearfishing tourney I saw what guys said were 12 lb fish weigh in at 6lbs.

Fish do look larger underwater, I cannot argueeeeee that! But someone may have seen two fi sh on a bluff and suddenly on a dive map its named spoonbill bluff.

Dive maps and the people running most dive shops write things to make people think if they dive there thats what they will see.

One place on Greers, divers call Millers Mansion, there is no mansion, just a house up on the bluff.



I am an avid diver and keep a boat on the lake at Indian Point so I generally dive SpoonbillBluff 15 to 20 times a year at all different times. I have never seen a spoonbill at that location although I did see a small one off the wall at enchanted forest. I enjoy snagging spoonbill also but this would not be a good location for it. Steep bluff wall full of large trees with limbs stretching out in all directions. Besides that this time of year you will encounter divers there more times than not and snagging and scuba diving definitely don't mix!!

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