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Launched at Bridgeport at about 2pm using the boat ramp in the neighborhood...Saw MDC with a tank style truck backed down the other boat ramp in which I'm assuming the where releasing a species of fish. Played around flat creek side of point 15..mainly playing with my helix 7 i just installed....saw fish in 20 -30 foot of water but no takers went over towards cape fair near some boat docks and saw all kinds of bait fish including perch or brim which ever you chose to call them, anyway nothing was chasing them...went across to the other side of creek up near the point and saw more bait fish only this time a period of out breaks of something chasing them.....i thru a dixie flutter spoon in coleslaw and had a couple of hits but could not hook them...i did throw a spook at them and caught a 10 incher and had several take a swipe at it..my observation was they where smaller fish chasing the shad...packed it in at 5 pm cause i lost my hat and my head was getting hot...lol....i sure do like my Helix 7 DI though and thats what i mainly went for was to play with it.....fish where striking the bait in 4 to 25 foot water .....water temp was around 82 to 83 degrees...sorry not much of a report...Might head down to Big M tomorrow afternoon if UPS shows up in time....lol

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