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Last weeks rains raised the river levels enough to float the upper Jacks Fork. Put in at Rymers and took out at Eminence. The first day the fishing was fair. Caught plenty of smallies in the 10-12" range. Biggest was 14". Saw some trophies swimming around. Longears and a few goggle eye. The river was empty except for the wildlife. Towards the end of the day I saw two elderly gentleman. I camped at a gravel bar about a 1/2 mile above Bay Creek. That night I caught goggle eye on shiners and 8 Bullhead Catfish on cut perch and shiners. The Bullheads were very aggressive. They were swallowing the 3/0 circle hooks. I have never had any fish swallow a circle hook. A few of them in the two pound range. No bass that night. The next day the fishing was again fair. More of the same catching smallies in the 12" range. Once I got to Alley all the action just stopped. I couldn't get a bite the rest of the float. Another floater told me he had only caught one. I would have pics, but phone ended up in the river. Had a tree laying across the river. When I hopped out of the canoe, yes I had to jump out, water was too deep to step out my phone hopped out of my shirt pocket as well along with a rod I kicked as I jumped out. I had to push down on the canoe to get it to fit under the log. I barely fit under it without having to go for a swim. I recovered the rod, didn't even notice my phone was in the drink until I reached for it to take pictures of Alley Spring. Shame I had some good pics on this trip.

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