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I moved down to the Ozarks from Nebraska last June. I have 3 boys 4, 8 & 12. Not to concerned with fish size, I am mostly looking for good numbers to keep the kids engaged. Took the boat down to Bull Shoals (Beaver Creek Area)and Table Rock (Buzzard's Hollow & Aunt's Creek) and had very mixed luck. This ain't Nebraska fishing!

Could use some advise on some decient locations/ methods to take the kids. I am upgrading the electronics to do some drop shotting this summer. No idea what the spring bite is like.


  • Root Admin

Take 'em trout fishing. It's easy for kids and there's usually alot of action. Kinda read up on Taneycomo here on OA and ask questions. Watch the reports.

Don't know what you're accustomed to in NE but I'd say we're a good 2-3 week ahead of you right now... but it's early yet.

You'll enjoy the great blue gill fishing on the Rock this summer.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

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