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Have some Tungsten Beads at an EXTREMELY reasonable price. Reg price in the shops is from 30 to 49cents each. Wholesale at the two big dealers is 18cents and 22 cents each respectively.

I've got the following colors and in the sizes listed for $13.00 per 100 ct bag. Shipping add 50cents per 100ct bag.

Nickle Black 2mm or 5/64 and 2.8mm or 7/64

Silver 2mm or 5/64 and 2.8mm or 7/64

Black 2mm or 5/64 and 2.8mm or 7/64

Gold 1.5mm or 1/16th (OUT OF GOLD)

I did not get the following in time for the bug but they will soon be here.

the 1/16th are now in.

Black, Nickle Black, copper, silver all in 1/16th are the smalles size available. Price is $13.00 per 100ct

If anyone is interested send me an e-mail at jim@flyfisharkansas.com with tungstenbeads in the subject line.


jimmy T.

  • Root Admin

Wapsi gets $1.80 per 10 wholesale! I'd jump on it guys.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

  • Members

Here is what I have Left in Tungsten Beads.

1.5mm or 1/16th silver copper black nickle black (out of gold)

2mm or 5/64th Silver, black (not many) Nickle black

2.8mm or 7/64th Silver (300) black (300)

Thanks to those who've ordered the beads.

Jim Traylor

  • Members

Another Update as to what I have left in Tungsten Beads.

1/16th or 1.5mm Silver (20 pkgs) Gold (out) Copper (6pkgs) Black (16pkgs) Black Nickle (18pkgs)

5/64th or 2mm Silver (out) Black (out) Nickle black (7 pkgs)

7/64th or 2.8mm Silver (2pkgs) Black (5pkgs)

Thanks again

Jim Traylor.


Jimmy T,

Since I was one of those who took advantage of your bargain, I wanted to let you know that I appreciate your thoughtfulness of the offer to OAF members.


Don May

I caught you a delicious bass.


Jimmy T,

They look great and what a bargain. Looks like I gotta start tying.

Thanks again.....Don

Don May

I caught you a delicious bass.

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