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If your fly fishing; I like the area (in zone 1) just up from the big dam. I fish between the first handicap pier to the dam and have had good luck there. You can't go wrong with a crackleback on top or a wooly bugger if you like streamers. A "bedspread" works great also if you like to sight fish.

Hope this helps.


Born to Fish, Forced to Work



I was there last week. I mainly fished the hole up from the dam. I stripped cracklebacks on full sink line DEEP. I also fished just above the falls further up towards the Spring. The fish that I caught just above the dam in the deeper water were bigger than the dinks I caught from the spring down.

Olive and copper Crackles, Renegades, Griffiths Gnat, assorted colored woolies and Zebra midges should get you some fish. Some of the other excellent producers have been the multi-colored glo balls or the bedspread unit, "John Deere" and "Brown Roach" mini-jigs drifted under a strike indicator.

When in doubt go up to Weavers and talk with them or check out their site http://www.missouritrout.com/weavers/report.html for their fishing reports.

Sounds like it will be a good weekend!

blue line.png


Bennett is what it is. Spot a good fish and use something that looks like guts or a pellet. A ginger mohair leach or cream thread jig is a good gut pattern. Deer hair spun around a hook and trimmed to shape and hit with a brown marker makes a good floating pellet, and dark brown yarn around a hook makes a good sunken pellet. Cheers.


If you're a tailwater guy the same scud or sowbug patterns that you may use there will work equally well at BSSP. It's been a couple of weeks since I've been down but they were doing real well on a #18 olive or grey scud at that time. The area of fast water from the bridge to the hatchery outlet was holding a few nice fish last time I was there. The fishing should be good this weekend and contrary to some peoples thoughts you won't have to fish with gut imitations or pellet flys to catch them. There are very few trout in the state of Missouri that don't grow up eating brown pellets so my trout from BSSP are just as "natural" as yours are.


The water is up about 1 foot, current strong and water off color, probably have to fish deep or close to the bank.Probably wasting time on top but you never know. Wooden bridge zone 3 as of Sunday was closed. Fishing report at http://missouritrout@weavers.com Also have a web for current depth of water just activated this spring, winter whatever the last few weeks can be called. :wahaha:

"God gave fishermen expectancy, so they would never tire of throwing out a line"

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I've been going to BSSP off and on for thirty years and have had the most success with catching larger fish above the dam up to the second handicap access wing dike. The water and fishing changes considerably through this stretch of the stream. Small beadhead midges work well between the two dikes then I change to mini-jiggs about the lower one. Between there and the dam Cracklebacks and streamers work better.

But if there is a hatch on nothing beats #18 Renegades and #16 Mosquitoes!

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