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I am looking for some locations to snag for spoonbills from bank. The only place I really know about to snag from bank is under the 65 bridge at Warsaw. Would appreciate it if ya'll could let me in on some other locations.

I would rather be fishin'.

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." Benjamin Franklin, 1759


People snag alot from the banks on the upper osage arm of Truman from Taberville on up. Duckman here on the forum is the man to talk to about that, he spends lots of time up there snagging from the banks of Truman.


When I was down there last weekend I noticed "E" hiway crosses just above Osceola. I haven't checkded but it may be Roscoe. There's a ramp and looks like people jerk from the bank there. Unless things have changed we didn't have any luck above Osceola. We tore them up below Warsaw.

blue line.png


Thanks guys

I would rather be fishin'.

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." Benjamin Franklin, 1759

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Head up into Schell Osage Wildlife area. Go clear back yonder to the big curve in the river and that is where you want to be. If you have a map of the wildlife area it is at the furthest point north on the area and the curve in the river resembles a big horse shoe. Haven't done exceptionally well there this year yet but the water has been real high for the past week or so. We have pulled a couple dozen outta that hole thus far this year. We're gonna give it hell this weekend for the final-final outting of the year for Missouri. Hope to see ya there. If you don't like that spot, I would also recommend Montagaw Springs, where the old bridge used to go across the river. That is a real good one too, but it catches a chit load of boat traffic. That is why I prefer to go upstream of Taberville quite a ways to get away from all them boaters. Iffins you are not sure where I am talking about stop in there at Dane's (Bait & Tackle 417-432-3391), and they'll get you headed in the right direction, plus they sell cold beer! Good luck buddy!

If You're Not In DEBT, You Ain't Bassin'!

Head up into Schell Osage Wildlife area. Go clear back yonder to the big curve in the river and that is where you want to be. If you have a map of the wildlife area it is at the furthest point north on the area and the curve in the river resembles a big horse shoe. Haven't done exceptionally well there this year yet but the water has been real high for the past week or so. We have pulled a couple dozen outta that hole thus far this year. We're gonna give it hell this weekend for the final-final outting of the year for Missouri. Hope to see ya there. If you don't like that spot, I would also recommend Montagaw Springs, where the old bridge used to go across the river. That is a real good one too, but it catches a chit load of boat traffic. That is why I prefer to go upstream of Taberville quite a ways to get away from all them boaters. Iffins you are not sure where I am talking about stop in there at Dane's (Bait & Tackle 417-432-3391), and they'll get you headed in the right direction, plus they sell cold beer! Good luck buddy!

Hey Duckman:

Thanks for the info. Could you give me an idea where Danes is? Taberville, Rocky Ford, Shell City? I will try to find the place you are talking about. With any luck I will see you there this weekend.


I would rather be fishin'.

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." Benjamin Franklin, 1759

  • Members

Dane's is in the Southern part of Taberville on H Highway, & just north of Y highway which Tee's into H Highway.

If You're Not In DEBT, You Ain't Bassin'!

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