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Sorry Drew, I was looking for you, but I didn't follow up either so it is just as much my fault. For what it's worth, I didn't follow the stock truck down there that day! lol Although I am in the know of when it does get stocked and not by the MDC. Also I don't fly fish either.

"you can always beat the keeper, but you can never beat the post"

There are only three things in life that are certain : death, taxes, and the wind blowing at Capps Creek!

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I was there yesterday to take the kids to walk around. (no fishing per the wife) I sw a couple of kids fishing on the dam. I asked them how they were doing. He told me he caught and released three trout and said his friend was doing a little better. So the fish are there. I have only caught a few there myself. I have always wanted to wade further downstream though.

Well, you might try taking the science out of it and add a little fun. That always works for me.

Chief Grey Bear

Science? That wasn't science. LOL

Sounds like you need to cover a larger amount of water to find the fish. Small creeks are what they are...Fish densities are really low, so you have to cover a lot of water to find fish. Fish only the best looking spots, and if you dont get a hit in 3-4 casts reel up and sneak upstream to the next hole. Fly selection is usually unimportant, but stealth and covering a lot of water pays big dividends. Cheers.

P.S. dont wade and fish from the bank unless you have to get in the water.


I was actually told just the opposite by some folks fly-fish Capps quite a bit. I was told NOT to only fish good looking spots, but to cover as much water as possible. So I did that with streamers and soft-hackles on the swing. Usually a very good fish-locator...fly angler's "trolling." I talked to a guy on the phone Saturday who knows...and he informed me of a few things I need to change. Seems big nymphs are the way to go...for example. And I need to get further downstream in the timber and such. It's rough going out there right now because of all the down timber from the ice storm.

I NEVER wade unless I have to.


"How little do my countrymen know what precious blessings they are in possession of - and which no other people on Earth enjoy."

Thomas Jefferson

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Science? That wasn't science. LOL

Who are you trying to kid?

Just stick to the 5 basic food groups for trout. Crawdads, minners, cheese(velveeta only), corn, and power bait! OK so I don't know about the last 3, but have heard of great results on them, but the first two will work every time if used correctly.

Leave out all of that # whatever size of _________(fill in the blank)

But I wouldn't listen to me. I have been skunked more than twice in my life.

Chief Grey Bear

Chief Grey Bear

Living is dangerous to your health

Owner Ozark Fishing Expeditions

Co-Owner, Chief Executive Product Development Team Jerm Werm

Executive Pro Staff Team Agnew

Executive Pro Staff Paul Dallas Productions

Executive Pro Staff Team Heddon, River Division

Chief Primary Consultant Missouri Smallmouth Alliance

Executive Vice President Ronnie Moore Outdoors


Those are hook sizes, Chief. LOL

Science would be naming the bugs in Latin down to the sub-species, talking about the turbidity and alkaline levels of the water, discussing nutrient loads (TDNL)and dissolved oxygen levels...that sort of stuff.

But there are 3 major food groups for trout that I am concerned with, not two. You are correct about the first two: crawdads and minnows. But the third would be BUGS. And that's the secret to not getting skunked very often. And it was THREE times.


"How little do my countrymen know what precious blessings they are in possession of - and which no other people on Earth enjoy."

Thomas Jefferson

(This disclaimer is to state that any posts of a questionable nature are to be interpreted by the reader at their own peril. The writer of this post in no way supports the claims made in this post, or takes resposibility for their interpretations or uses. It is at the discretion of the reader to wrestle through issues of sarcasm, condescension, snobbery, lunacy, left and or right wing conspiracies, lying, cheating, wisdom, enlightenment, or any form of subterfuge contained herein.)


Oh now that is rich!

Actually there are 4 food groups that you should be concerned with. The fourth being snails. I have kept maybe a couple dozen trout over 20+ years of fishing for them and the ones at Capp's(and another creek in SW Mo) love snails.

Is trout about the only species you fish for?

Chief Grey Bear

Living is dangerous to your health

Owner Ozark Fishing Expeditions

Co-Owner, Chief Executive Product Development Team Jerm Werm

Executive Pro Staff Team Agnew

Executive Pro Staff Paul Dallas Productions

Executive Pro Staff Team Heddon, River Division

Chief Primary Consultant Missouri Smallmouth Alliance

Executive Vice President Ronnie Moore Outdoors


I forgot to add a couple of things.

I have to come clean on something. Way back in the early 80's I did try some velveeta once. I did so on the advice of a "resident expert". I only did it by the dam. I am ashamed of myself for doing that and this is the first time that I have admitted it publicly. So there. Now you have it. I said it.

Do you have anything you would like to admit to?????

Next time you are heading over to Capp's, give me a holler.

Chief Grey Bear

Living is dangerous to your health

Owner Ozark Fishing Expeditions

Co-Owner, Chief Executive Product Development Team Jerm Werm

Executive Pro Staff Team Agnew

Executive Pro Staff Paul Dallas Productions

Executive Pro Staff Team Heddon, River Division

Chief Primary Consultant Missouri Smallmouth Alliance

Executive Vice President Ronnie Moore Outdoors


Yeah, well, my snail flies still need a lot of work at the tying vise. LOL But you are right about that.

Nah, I do quite a bit of trout fishing; but I also chase crappie, white and smallmouth bass, salmon, and bluegills with fly rods.

I will admit to owning two good quality ultralight spinning combos that I can occassionally be talked into taking crappie fishing with the right group of people. And I have used them a few times on trout when taking nieces and nephews out fishing...the ole power bait, tiny treble hook, and a slip-sinker rig.

Of course, growing up, I fished whatever and however and wherever opportunity presented itself from trot-lines and jug-lines to yo-yo's and baitcasting for bass from the trolling deck. I've even done a little saltwater fishing with spinning gear.

But I gave everything else up for the fly rod about a decade ago. Nowadays, if I can't catch them on a fly rod, I don't really want to catch them. But I am no purist fly fisherman! I carry and tie a wide array of micro-jigs and I am not afraid to use them when conditions favor and they are working better than anything else.

Come to think of it, a snail micro-jig might be just the ticket at Capps!


"How little do my countrymen know what precious blessings they are in possession of - and which no other people on Earth enjoy."

Thomas Jefferson

(This disclaimer is to state that any posts of a questionable nature are to be interpreted by the reader at their own peril. The writer of this post in no way supports the claims made in this post, or takes resposibility for their interpretations or uses. It is at the discretion of the reader to wrestle through issues of sarcasm, condescension, snobbery, lunacy, left and or right wing conspiracies, lying, cheating, wisdom, enlightenment, or any form of subterfuge contained herein.)

Nowadays, if I can't catch them on a fly rod, I don't really want to catch them.

You sure are missing out on some good fishing. On the other hand, the last part of that sentence explains why you have not caught fish only 3 times in your life.

Chief Grey Bear

Living is dangerous to your health

Owner Ozark Fishing Expeditions

Co-Owner, Chief Executive Product Development Team Jerm Werm

Executive Pro Staff Team Agnew

Executive Pro Staff Paul Dallas Productions

Executive Pro Staff Team Heddon, River Division

Chief Primary Consultant Missouri Smallmouth Alliance

Executive Vice President Ronnie Moore Outdoors


Not true at all. Anything that can be caught on a line and hook can be caught on a fly rod. The sport of it all to me is FOOLING the fish into biting something I made within a restricted set of options.

Sticking a hook in a minnow, crayfish, snail, worm, shrimp, etc. is not fooling them into anything.

Now lures is a different story...same thing as fly fishing in my book. I just don't enjoy it as much. You see, it's all a matter of taste and preference...the same way some folks prefer to hunt deer and turkeys and stuff with a bow and arrow instead of a gun.


"How little do my countrymen know what precious blessings they are in possession of - and which no other people on Earth enjoy."

Thomas Jefferson

(This disclaimer is to state that any posts of a questionable nature are to be interpreted by the reader at their own peril. The writer of this post in no way supports the claims made in this post, or takes resposibility for their interpretations or uses. It is at the discretion of the reader to wrestle through issues of sarcasm, condescension, snobbery, lunacy, left and or right wing conspiracies, lying, cheating, wisdom, enlightenment, or any form of subterfuge contained herein.)

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