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So what is the reason for two hooks all the articulated flies that I have seen tied people have only had one hook. Yes they may used two or three hooks to tie the fly but they cut all of the hooks bends off except for the last one. I for one think that Mr.Gallup has come up with a neat pat. I would think that you would want to keep it the same for obvious reasons.


After doing some research I can not find the PMS fly. Is it another fly that you have found and think that no one else knows what it is so you have put your name to it, as you have done in the past. Just a couple of examples the white mohawk, the TNS. Just wondering.



Glad you asked..

as most people knows.. the TNS stands for Taneycomo night special..

The fly will work during the day or at night.. but I have had no luck with it on foggy nights..

Ask Terry how it performs at night on a full moon and no fog..

I havent use this fly that much this year.. since march (after a the generation this past winter) almost every night Ive been down there has been foggy

But TNS is only a size 8 crackleback... in a mix of colors.

The Mohawk.. is a sculpin pattern the a friend from texas showed me..

Along with another pattern I have talked about on this site but nobody ever asked about it. originated by Matt Jennings (thats all Im say about those!!)

The Nasti (Night Anglers Sweet Trout Inticer) again a modified fly that fits "my" needs night fishing... a size 8 soft hackle pheasant tail


It works!!!

Now... for the Pine squirrel Sculpin... Very good night pattern.. It evening works during the day... This pattern is a "Knock Off" of the Tom Barr's "slumpbuster"... But I dont tye with a cone.. I dont put a belly on it (any more.. to time consuming) .. I just modified to fit the need of a GREAT fly for taneycomo.. If you ever get a chance to look at it in the water... It look just like a minnow..

The PMS... (The New Fly) causing a kinds of fuss.... yes the name is odd...

but it does stand for something... there has only been a "VERY SELECT" few people the has seen this fly and even used this... and Im sure they will chime in sooner or later... But Like I said it a new fly to me and had proven to me that it need a place in my fly boxes... (HINT: right next to the pine squirrels!!) :=D:

The Roo Bug... Made with Kangaroo fur.. what else do I need to say

any more flies you what to know about???

Almost forgot...

I may have said that wrong about the Strip leech..

You right about the Kelly Guallop's articulated patterns (at least a few)have 1 hook... but I beleive that most people call them the jointed flies (I may be wrong there)


He does have a few patterns that has more then 1 hook on them...

His website... www.slideinn.com

I shouldnt have the leech was articulated... Instead, It has a "stinger" (trailer) hook...


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