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2 nice 2 fish! Would take an hour per fly to tie!

Fish On!

Mike Utt

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift from God, that’s why its called the Present!”

"If we ever forget that we are ONE NATION UNDER GOD, then we will be a nation gone under" - Ronald Reagan

Member: www.ozarkflyfishers.org


I've known Graham Owen through the internet for 4-5 years now. Some of his fly's take over 16 hours to tie. Many of them take over 8 hours. He is very active on the FlyTyingForum. There are a lot of realistic tyers over there from all over the world. Great place to see some cool stuff.


A Little Rain Won't Hurt Them Fish.....They're Already Wet!!

Visit my website at..

Ozark Trout Runners


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