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Not doubting your catch, I just thought they only stocked rainbows in Hickory. I don't know where I got this idea other than I thought they usually stocked browns in streams that had potential for natural reproduction. I don't think that little stretch of Hickory fits that description, but again, maybe I'm wrong.

The ride is a yellow Toyota FJ Cruiser.

That FJ, is that one of those new big 4WD I have been seeing lately? I know that ain't much to go on, but I think I know what you are talking about.

As for stocking browns, Capp's has about the same chance of natural repoduction and also has browns. Somewhere on the MDC web site I saw where they believe that browns are producing in the upper end of Hickory. I myself doubt that. But I guess it could be possible. Heck look at the Duck billed Platerpuss. I will keep looking for that quote and post.

Chief Grey Bear

Living is dangerous to your health

Owner Ozark Fishing Expeditions

Co-Owner, Chief Executive Product Development Team Jerm Werm

Executive Pro Staff Team Agnew

Executive Pro Staff Paul Dallas Productions

Executive Pro Staff Team Heddon, River Division

Chief Primary Consultant Missouri Smallmouth Alliance

Executive Vice President Ronnie Moore Outdoors


Chief - That is one of those new Toyota 4wds, but not as big as it seems. I was surprised to find that it gets @20 mpg.

I suppose browns could reproduce in Hickory, I just wonder about the sustained flow on the upper half. Are we talking upstream of Hwy 60, or between there and 86?


I'm looking. I'm looking. It was just a one or two liner in a page I was looking at about trout stocking. I started looking for it again to C&P here before I mentioned it.

I'm not sure exactly what area they were speaking of as all it said was the "upper end of Hickory Creek". And it did not say it was a for sure deal but they thought that they might be.

I don't know the history of trout in Hickory, so I can't say. It just seems unlikely to me.

Wait!! This may be what I read. And if so I have botched it some. I'm going to keep seraching, but this may be what I'm talking about. If so, I apologize to all for not putting out 100% accurate information.


"The coldwater fishery at Capps Creek is stocked with rainbow and brown trout, while coldwater fisheries in Hickory Creek and the upper Spring River are self-sustaining populations of rainbow trout that were introduced to the stream but are not regularly stocked."

Chief Grey Bear

Living is dangerous to your health

Owner Ozark Fishing Expeditions

Co-Owner, Chief Executive Product Development Team Jerm Werm

Executive Pro Staff Team Agnew

Executive Pro Staff Paul Dallas Productions

Executive Pro Staff Team Heddon, River Division

Chief Primary Consultant Missouri Smallmouth Alliance

Executive Vice President Ronnie Moore Outdoors


So this would tend to indicate that they don't stock browns in Hickory. The MDC lists stocking dates for rainbows but says nothing about browns. That certainly doesn't mean that they aren't there, I'm just wondering if there is a self sustaining population.


I wonder how anything can survive after a good rain in town on Hickory!

"you can always beat the keeper, but you can never beat the post"

There are only three things in life that are certain : death, taxes, and the wind blowing at Capps Creek!


Well, Chub, I can't say one way or another. I guess it could be slightly possible that they reproduce. I just have my doubts. Do you have a link for the stocking dates that mentioned?

Also, how often to you get to get up this way?

Chief Grey Bear

Living is dangerous to your health

Owner Ozark Fishing Expeditions

Co-Owner, Chief Executive Product Development Team Jerm Werm

Executive Pro Staff Team Agnew

Executive Pro Staff Paul Dallas Productions

Executive Pro Staff Team Heddon, River Division

Chief Primary Consultant Missouri Smallmouth Alliance

Executive Vice President Ronnie Moore Outdoors


This link from the MDC site may shed a little light. http://www.mdc.mo.gov/fish/sport/trout/wildspawn.htm

Not sure how accurate they are in regards to the list of areas of rainbow reproduction, or it may be that they are just not listing some of the wilder areas where they do not manage a CA. I'm sure all of us know of a spot or two where a small population exist where they have not been stocked in the last 50 years.

Chief Grey Bear

Living is dangerous to your health

Owner Ozark Fishing Expeditions

Co-Owner, Chief Executive Product Development Team Jerm Werm

Executive Pro Staff Team Agnew

Executive Pro Staff Paul Dallas Productions

Executive Pro Staff Team Heddon, River Division

Chief Primary Consultant Missouri Smallmouth Alliance

Executive Vice President Ronnie Moore Outdoors

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