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  • Root Admin

I've seen a couple of questions about OAF hats. For those who are new comers, we had them made, what, a year ago. I have them in our shop and can mail them out to anyone who wants one.

They're $12.00 (I think) plus MO sales tax for those in MO and alittle shipping (whatever it costs to mail them).

You need to email Megan if you want one this week. I'll be gone hunting and won't get your request till I get back Friday.



Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg


I've got an orange one, but my daughter promptly absconded with it. They're nice hats and they make it easy to spot a fellow forum member at the farmer's market, Wal-Mart, etc.

Paul Rone


I think we should get them embroidered with our screen names on the back as well as the bumper stickers.

You are so stupid you threw a rock at the ground and missed.

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