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  • Root Admin

Boy was it crowded in town this weekend... not sure who out numbered who- shoppers or show-goers but it was close. But the lake was relatively quite... but fishing was good.

Most reported having a good fish outing upon checking out this am. Megan (our daughter) said everyone was happy with their stay except for the chilly weather. But as always the trout didn't mind.

We did the husband thing and took our wives to the Landing yesterday. David and Tammy Eckerle from KC were in town for the weekend so Dave and I thought it'd be nice to treat them to a boat ride. Isn't that mice of us?! We even took them to lunch- at the new Fish House. Very nice- I'll write a report on the meal under the eatery forum. Then shopping!!

Well the girls went on and we fished. We'renot all that great- sorry to mislead you.

We pushed off the BP dock and moved out to the middle of the lake. Rainbows were midging really well over near the mouth of Coon Creek so there we went. From there we boated up to the old bridge and fished the west side near the old swimming hole gravel bar. Again, rainbows midging really well. We fished from about 1:30 till 3:30 and caught 30-40 rainbows from 8 to 14 inches. Used exclusively #14 red or black zebras under a palsa indicator 12 inches deep, 6x tippet. Lots of fun.

Picked up the girls and back to the resort.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

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