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Hello Everyone,

We are pleased to announce that we are going to start the fly tying back up at the shop. The fly tying will be every Tuesday night at 6pm and every Saturday morning at 9am.

The way that we are going to do this is that it will be a free tie meaning that if you want to tie something show up if you have a question about a fly tying technique we will sit down with you and show you the technique that you have a question about.

We will be bringing in guest tiers periodically and the week be for we have them here we will announce who they will be. When the weather warms up we will be grilling something on Saturday for lunch.

The tying classes will be free and best of all just for showing up and participating in the class you will receive a 10% discount on all fly tying supplies.

Please remember that the shop has moved to our new location at 2863 South Campbell Springfield, Missouri 65807 If you have any questions you may call us at the shop 417-889-6548.

Hope to see everyone

Michael and Kristina Kyle

To Know People Is To Know Thier Ways!



Does this mean you are back among the cyber-living?

Also, can you show me how to tie a BCOS? :P



"There he stands, draped in more equipment than a telephone lineman, trying to outwit an organism with a brain no bigger than a breadcrumb, and getting licked in the process." - Paul O’Neil


I would like to learn how to tie some of these "SECRET FLIES" also. Can I come and play too???? Pretty PLEASE.....


A Little Rain Won't Hurt Them Fish.....They're Already Wet!!

Visit my website at..

Ozark Trout Runners



Ooooooo...grillin' out on Saturdays.

Now THAT'S a good reason for showing up!! :P


Rich Looten

Springfield, Missouri

"If people don't occasionally walk away from you shaking their heads,

you're doing something wrong."- John Gierach


Michael it sounds like a good time. I appreciate you being willing to do the classes. That was one of my new years resolutions - to become a better tier in 2008. I tie a mean scud, zebra midge, and mohair leech - but beyond that I'm mediocre at best. :lol:


"My biggest worry is that my wife (when I'm dead) will sell my fishing gear for what I said I paid for it" - Koos Brandt

Greg Mitchell

  • Members

Was just wondering what this cost and waht we needed to bring.

I have had a carrer for a while that has kept me on the road for long periods of time. I have just been able to settle down back in this area and I'm glad to see that there is still a local shop in town. Good luck with your new location. Looks good


The classes are free when we start BBQ we might ask for a small donation just to cover the cost of the food.

As far as stuff to bring just bring a vise and tools and something to tie

As far as a format what ever is hot thats what were going to tie for example white bass are hot, we will be tying white bass flies. I hope that everyone will be able to make it.


To Know People Is To Know Thier Ways!


i would absolutly make it if you were just a couple miles closer to kansas city. mabe i will try and make it in there on one of my trips down that way


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