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Why isnt there a Table Rock Tailwaters Forum? I understand it's topic is lumped in with Lake Taneycomo but if your seperating Powersite Dam from Bullshoals, as well as others in the "Tailwater Forum" catagory, it would make sense to seperate the upper area(tailrace) from the rest of this lake as well.

They provide two totally seperate fishing experiances, considering that little flyfishing happens below Roark Creek, and most of the PMs I get are from people who are seeking advice on how to catch fish(not just trout) without using a fly. I really dont have to emphisize how different the two areas fish. Only seems to validate the need to have a better catagoric Forum choice.

Now, those of you that are familiar with me may be thinking that I am just trying to conjur up my own little Forum considering that the majority of the posts from the lower lake tend to be from yours truly, but that isnt the case.

I, for one, have been reading OA for a couple of years before I even signed up as a member. The main reason I was hesitant for so long is because of all the fly fishing commentary and never ending descriptions of an area of the lake that I really had no interest in. And my hesitation was justified when I saw how clichish all the "chest waders" are. Lets not forget, the majority of those guys would love to have thier own designated forum just to be rid of my opinions of the upper lake. Haha. If you dont believe me, just ask. Do a Poll. wink.

I can almost guarantee you that there are alot of members like me, and even more readers that just dont see the need to join, because the bulk of the conversation of this Lakes forum is focused on the upper lake and its flyfishing. Phil commented to me once that he was glad to see more info being expressed on the lower lake. This is the way to get it. Give the guys who do fish it, thier own forum.

Just a suggestion. I believe you will be surprised at how much more info will be exchanged on the lower lake if it had a forum where it can be focused without the conversations of flys, shufflers, and water generation charts. Most the really good fishermen I know on Taneycomo have no desire to fish elbow to elbow or stacked next to tourists. Of course, birds of a feather flock together, but Bass fisherman want thier own shoreline....Haha

Anyway, I do believe that I make a legitimate case, qualifying for an appropriate consideration.

I intentionally posted this opinion outside of the Taneycomo Forum as to create attention to what I wanted to convey without drawing in too much negitivity from those who might object. Although I still wanted it public as to have my voice heard as well. It is solely an expressed opinion of fact and at no time is there any malice to slander, assume or disrespect.

Thought I better throw in a disclamer.....Haha

"May success follow your every cast." - Trav P. Johnson

  • Root Admin

Nice disclaimer...

I always consider suggestions for new forums and I will this. But I always let others chime in and see if there's any interest "from the masses".

If I were to add a forum it wouldn't be in the tailwater section. This website started with Lake Taneycomo, and yes the upper lake was the main targeted area. But that's because of my interest solely... and it still is my main interest. Anyhow, if I add anything it would be Lower Lake Taneycomo.

I could do the same for Bull Shoals too, if we ever get some traffic for the lower end.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg


Appreciate your candor and your points make a solid supply-vs-demand rational.

Let me add that there are several forums already in existance that dont get the numbers that a Lower Taney forum has the potential of getting.

I am speaking for the silent masses that have yet to cry out.

As some cornfield in Iowa used to say,

"build it, and they will come"


"May success follow your every cast." - Trav P. Johnson


I just did a quick count, so forgive me if my math is a bit fuzzy, but these numbers pretty much say it all.

Out of more than 100 forums on OA, 71 of them had less than 30 topics started in the past year. Sixty one had less than 20. The real surprise is that 42 had less than 10 topics started in the past 12 months. Anyway you look at it, 40 percent of your pages see less than 5 percent of of your sites activity.

I alone post anywhere from 15 to 20 fishing reports a month. You dont have to do much math to figure out that a Lower Taney Forum would definatley out market the majority of OA's floundering 40 percent.

Haha, Just making my case.

I used to work marketing for a local Internet promoting company. I am pretty good at finding the sales hook. Haha

I am sorry if I came across as pushy. Wink

If your still curious, I could list all 71 but something tells me you dont need that. Haha

"May success follow your every cast." - Trav P. Johnson

  • Root Admin

Thought you meant another fishing forum site... but good points.

I'll have to go thru and clean house one of these days.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg



If you are interested in comments here are mine.

I like the Lake Taneycomo thread as is because I fish most of it at some time or another in my boat, from a pier, or wading. Perhaps it could be divided from the tailwaters to the powersite or to the landing but I still go down there sometimes also.

For sure don't seperate the tailwaters from the lake to roark.

As for the waders being clickish????????????????????

Acutally when you stop at the parking lot almost everone says hello and most are willing to share information, give tips, and even drop off a fly or two for the newbe to try. Sometimes it is hard to get to the water without being rude as someone stops to talk. I have had anglers that were doing better than me walk out of the water and hand me a couple of flys that they were doing well on. One guide even offered my grandson advice even though we were not even clients at the time. CLICKISH???????????? NOT!

I fish lots of tailwaters and this one is by far has the most friendly and helpful folks I have found. I have not experienced any clickish attitudes.

Thom Harvengt



I think you misunderstood the reasoning behind my desire to have a seperate forum for the lower Taney.

First, when I said clichish, I might have been using the wrong word. I was referring to how the flyfishermen tend to be defensive when it comes to critisizm of the upper lake and thier quickness to validate anything that has to do with thier precious hobby. Not wether they have manners or respect for others.

Second, There are several forums available to discuss all of the flyfishing genres but they all seem to end up on the Taneycomo fishing forum instead. With a Lower Taney forum people can discuss non-flyfishing techniques and focus on species other than just Trout. Without having to sift through 50 flyfishing topics, it might make it more convenient for those who fish lower Taney to seek the info they are interested in.

I for one fish for Bass 75 percent of the time. When you first start to read the Taneycomo forum your first thoughts are that it is a flyfishing forum. Based on that alone there should be a seperate forum that will focus on just the lower lake.

Just because you might "cross the tracks" and fish the lower Taney a dozen times a year doesnt give claim that you fish the entire lake. It doesnt disqualify the legitimate fact that the two areas are like Pepsi and Coke. Sort of the same but Totally different.

There is a solid argument to having a lower Taney forum.

"May success follow your every cast." - Trav P. Johnson


I know trav. I or no one else couldn't possibly be right in your mind but it is still my opinion.

yes it would be a good thing to have a lower taney section.

Thom Harvengt


I mean no disrespect. (seems I am typing that alot latley)

Just because I like to debate the validity or maybe question the exactness of a persons opinion doesnt always mean that I am some prerogitive.

I may have a very candid and abrupt manner to my repute, but if you had a chance to ascertain who I really am, you will see an individual that views the world in a cognizant panorama.

Sure, when I think I am right, I usually am. I wouldnt bother to dispute something, if I didnt know my facts were indeed correct.

Everything is either a fact or it is false. Opinions just have a way of clarifying wether those who have them can tell the difference. I dont have opinions based on faith, humanity, morals, or even ethics. I only have opinions with grounds that are based on philisophical reality.

And to alot of people, Reality can be a bit hard to swallow.

"May success follow your every cast." - Trav P. Johnson

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