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Off work, let's go fish.

Got out for most of the day yesterday. I started out spider rigging in blue springs until the wind kicked it into high gear.

If you are looking for white bass go towards the back of blue springs about 50 yards before the last open wooden dock on the right and have at it. They love minnows. It was like work again with those things but man was it fun. I quit counting after 15.

I didn't have much luck spider rigging for crappie due to playing with the whites. Only caught two. Another fella I talked to was having better luck up towards the front spider rigging the rip rap area.

After breaking everything down. I headed up river fishing different pocket coves to avoid some of the wind. I tied on a silver and chartreuse shinee hinee with a bobber and fished thick brush and lay downs in 2-4 foot of water. I ended up catching 10 with six of them being some really nice ones.

Still haven't found them in a area to where they are bunched up yet and are more active. Having to be on the go a lot.

Great day yesterday. Going to get out again today at some point and head back up river to some other areas that I didn't have time to fish yesterday.

Here's a couple pics. The crappie was hardly hooked. He lifted the bobber straight up and I just lifted my rod and pulled lightly and dragged him to the boat. This is my favorite way to catch them by pulling them out of shallow cover.

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