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Blues baby!!!

Took the boys to my favorite lake. Grew up going just to boat, tube and swim. Now my main objectives are keeping the boys happy (4-wheelers, tubing, fire, etc) and blue catfish. 

I take the boys on a blue trip every summer. We always catch fish, but this year the weather played out amazing. We showed up this past Saturday when the storm hit and made the lake turn to an ocean. It was fun to watch, but not much fishing. 

In the morning it was game on. We saw the water was way up and that meant the water would be dropping all day and into Sunday night. We caught some baitfish and set the hooks. The boys were excited when Monday morning rolled around.

The first hook we checked was the 30 pounder (40 inches). Should have seen the look on my 9 year olds face when he was hand lining the fish in. After letting that fish go, we went out to check our other lines. 

We wanted to keep a few just under the slot, but the fish were either slot fish or over. Just crazy. 

Threw all but one fish back. 

Biggest 3 were 18#, 22# and 30#. 

The boys had a blast!





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