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Phil Lilley
Phil Lilley

Montauk Trout Hatchery

Montauk State Park is home to one of four trout parks in the state of Missouri. Since its acquisition in 1926, the 1,393 acre park has been one of the most popular vacation spots in Missouri. The fast-flowing, spring-fed headwaters of the Current River make Montauk an ideal home for rainbow trout and the scenic valley creates a pleasing atmosphere for fishing enthusiasts and vacationers.


Montauk Hatchery began operation in 1932 with the current production facilities being built in the 1960’s and early 1970’s. The hatchery produces and stocks between 300,000 to 400,000 trout a year. On average the park is stocked with 200,000 trout each year. Montauk Hatchery also provides trout for Maramec Spring Hatchery; five White Ribbon Trout areas; and the St. Louis Urban Winter Trout Fishing areas.


The Hatchery is open to visitors from dawn to dusk seven days week.


Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday at 1:00 PM— Memorial Day through Labor Day. Call the Hatchery office to schedule other times


Montauk State Park is located 22 miles southwest of Salem Missouri or 12 miles southeast of Licking Missouri on Highway 119.

From Salem: Highway 32 west approximately 11 miles to Highway 119. Highway 119 south approximately 11 miles to Montauk State Park.

From Licking: Highway 137 south approximately 3 miles to Highway VV. Highway VV east approximately 9 miles to Highway 119. Highway 119 south 1 mile to Montauk State Park.

Get current stream information provided by the U.S. Geological Survey and the Department of Natural Resources.

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