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chillin the most

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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Thank you Flysmallie for the links to the verbage.
  2. It appears that Robert Ross is proposing similar legislation currently. My internet search skills are not adequate to find much substance on the contents or motivations of his bill. "Codifies provisions relating to the navigability of Missouri's waters" makes me suspect this is similar to his previous actions. http://www.house.mo.gov/BillContent.aspx?bill=HB556&year=2017&code=R&style=new
  3. Missouri Representative Robert Ross (R) has introduced House Bill HB556 and it was read on Jan 10 and again on January 11, 2017. This bill "codifies provisions related to the navigability of Missouri's waters" I am not able to locate much of substance about this but I remember conversations where Mr. Ross represents the interests of landowners on the upper Big Piney and Gasconade with intent to deny access to floaters. Does anyone have any new information about this? http://www.house.mo.gov/BillContent.aspx?bill=HB556&year=2017&code=R&style=new
  4. how do you make that seat dance around in your vid?
  5. Back in the late 60s, the Tryons would organize summer activity groups for teens and I was fortunate to have participated in some of those and to meet Chuck and Sharon. They were delightful people. He reminded me of a Paul Bunyan type with his big booming voice and Sharon was a delightful, outdoorsy-type lady. Both were well spoken and quick-witted and just wonderful people. He had interesting and entertaining lectures on ecology issues. We would go to a creek and turn over rocks and collect critters (he called them benthos) to observe the diversity of creek life above and below the sewer facility. We would also work on various nature trails in the community. I enjoyed meeting the Tryons and all the other participants in these programs. I also enjoyed volunteering at the recycling facility they started in the old Kroger building. My favorite task was sending bottles down the chute to make them break into big boxes for shipping. Also fun was crushing cans with a home-made crusher that would smash cans between two rotating car tires. He was always one of those "larger than life" people in my eyes.
  6. Hey There in Salem by the Current! It is snowing to beat the blazes here in Rolla and the cabin fever is getting fierce. But I have no desire to float in the winter--especially after reading about bobber's adventure January 2. Here is a pic of my floating buddy in the rented Buffalo canoe last summer. Summer 2009 was a good year here. It seems like the creeks get too low in the summer in recent years but we had good rain in June and July this time around. My father used to reminisce about the run to Mason Bridge and by golly, the planets aligned this year and we did it. We saw lots of trees in the creek from the windstorms this year. We portaged on the Piney float in three places. The lower stretch above Mason Bridge had lots of downed trees. But it had lots of fishy places too.
  7. Age 54 in Rolla. Trying to get the most enjoyment out of life while still able. I have too many hobbies already and haven't been much for fishing but made time for it in summer 2009. My experience was mostly just boating on weekends with friends on the Gasconade but the ramp washed out at Arlington, MO last year so I rented canoes and hung out on the upper Meramec and Big Piney. Wife was turned onto fishing by her grandpa and her 09 New Year's resolution was to go fishing. My son is now 14 y.o. with a formidable power-to-weight ratio and watching him reminds me how fast life goes by. We did 5 trips by canoe. Boiling Springs to Mason Bridge on the Piney. And 4 trips on the stretch between Wesco and Hwy 8 bridge on the Meramec. Went mid-week to avoid the crowds. Portaged a lot with storm damage and trees in the water but also shook hands with lots of smallies. Almost prefer watching the fishies to hooking them. Saw many big clear pools this year with scores of fish hanging out with the occasional gar and catfish. Saw big deep pools of blue water with foot-long bass suspended all around. We rode a Buffalo Canoe at Boiling Springs and was very impressed. The boat was a total beater with many major repairs but could slide sideways down a shoal like a champ. There was a slick magazine called Fishing and Hunting Journal out of Clayton years ago and my wife bought my Christmas present from an ad in there. This was my intro to Al Agnew's work. Right now, I'm mainly interested in streams within striking distance of Rolla. I have not yet been on the Courtois, Huzzah, Roubidoux, Jack's Fork, Eleven Point, or many parts of the Gasconade. I especially want to revisit the Black River, Sinkin Creek, and Little Piney. I have several power and paddle boats but for now appreciate the insider knowledge and privileges that come with paying the livery companies for a canoe and shuttle. I probably won't have much to say here but I am having a blast combing through the archives. I regged mainly so I could see all the pictures. Have fun on your run!
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