Jerry. I'm still alive and well and so is the Winston. If I would have put my hand out quicker and let go of the line that I was bringing in a fish with I wouldn't have even fell at all. I could have caught myself on the same Boulder that I tripped on. Oh well. I landed the fish after I got back up.
What kinda shape was the river in Gavin?? I started to head over there today because of the crowds too. But I figured with the heavy rain this morning it would've been too high.
If they would put in fish cleaning stations and quit letting people gut fish in the stream it would make fishing a lot better.
Fishing with gut imitations isn't fishing in my opinion. But to each their own I guess.
Pat, they are calling for less a chance this weekend than last weekend. It didn't rain all day either day last weekend and it was pretty nice. Plus with the advanced notice of rain it tends to lighten the crowds to the far weather folks.
You guys are funny!! Didn't take long to blow up the phone lines I see!! Luckily I only got one side of my shirt soaked up to my shoulder. But it all ran down onto my waders. It's a good thing it wasn't too cold. I don't know who was laughing more. Me, or the people at the gauge house with a bunch of kids. ??
Plus they claim to have undercover agents in the stream too. I have yet to see them bust anyone so I am pretty skeptical of that claim. I could bust someone every time on the stream.
Once again.... LOL
Although I have been seeing a ton of people fishing from the bank in zone 1 compared to what there used to be. And yes,, using power bait and soft plastics. Some people just refuse to follow rules.?
I fished Bennett Saturday afternoon and Sunday afternoon also. Fished both days for about 4 hours each day. Water was up but slowly going down and clearing from a milky gray green to a milky green.
Took about 20-30 mins to figure out the depth and mend needed to catch fish. But after that it was game on. I landed close to 40 fish each day. There was one point where I landed 11 fish on 11 drifts. Saw a lot of people catching little or nothing. The only people really catching much were spin fishermen, fishing bright Orange rooster tail spinners. There was not much size to the ones caught either. Most probably less than 10".
Looks like more rain in the forcast there too. Maybe it will be a while before the stream gets back to regular levels. If it's 3' or less I'm good with it. Anything over that it gets tough.
What's funny is how the local business that does the report did their report on Wednesdsy instead of the normal Thursday report.
Things that make you go hummmmmn???
Pretty simple really Jerry. The fish are in the same spots as when the water is clear. Just fish closer to the bottom unless you can see them up in the water column. A little sparkle always helps too.
It's about time they started ticketing rules breakers. I watched 2 young guys fishing the the hatchery outflow in the high bank hole fishing with plastic worms. I saw the CO's In zone 1 checking people for limits and licenses and I told them about the rampant use of plastics and power bait I've seen and they give me a business card and told me to call them.
If the kids were mistaken its one thing. But I told them the rule and they just shook it off. Pure blatant disregard of the rules.