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We have them here at Lilleys' Landing
Maxima is still around. We carry it here at Lilleys'. A few of our guides use it.
Lilleys' Lake Taneycomo Trip Report, October 10
johndarin replied to Phil Lilley's topic in Upper Lake Taneycomo
My Dad and I also got out yesterday for a little bit. We used a 1/100oz egg (Miracle Fly) under a Palsa on 6x fluorocarbon tippet. We fished between outlets 1 and 2 and caught a few Rainbows and then moved down to Brown Blvd just below outlet 2. We caught a few more rainbow and 1 male 18" Brown. There were a lot more browns there he was about the smallest but the only one I could get to bite. I found a high place to fish from so I could sight cast the Browns. -
I read on here the other day that a few people were doing well up in the White River arm of the lake by Shell knob. I had never been over there so I wanted to check it out myself but had no idea where to go. I had never even been to Shell Knob or really knew where it was. So I had to hit up a friend (Bill Babler) for some info. He got me right on the fish. My Dad and I both were using a Quick 5, mine was PB & J and my Dad was using the Brown & Orange. The first spot we hit I had 4 and Dad had 0! But then we kept seeing some fish come up to the top and chasing about 200 yards away on the next point so we ran over there. It was a large school of black bass. We quickly changed to a Strike King 1.5 square bill and on the first cast into the school my Dad caught a 3.5 pounder. After that one it was all shorts with maybe 1 or 2 more keepers but it was sure fun! We caught about 15 or 20 in that school. Even if they were not coming up we were just blind casting in 50+ feet of water and still catching them. KVD 1.5 http://www.strikeking.com/news/407-kvd15-25-the-ultimate-power-fishing-bait Pigsticker Quick 5 Creamy PB & J http://www.pigstickerbait.com/quick-5-creamy-pb5.html
Fishing the past few mornings has been awesome. The power generators have been off until about 1pm at least this week. I had the opportunity to take a few vets fishing last weekend during Project Healing Waters. On Saturday I had two guys that were from Ft Leonard Wood and one had never fly fishing. He got casting down quick and started catching fish. There were no generators running so we could sight fish all day. We stayed in the narrows the whole day except for the last hour. We shared the area with a few other people. We all were catching fish and we saw 1 big male brown that got everyone a little excited. We were using a 2 fly set up under a Palsa. For a couple of hours in the morning we used a red or pink San Juan worm with a #16 Rusty or Black and Copper Midge under it. Later in the morning we cahnged the Midge out for a Miracle Fly and we could watch them eat it. All of this on 7x Rio Fluoroflex Tippet. On Sunday I have to Vietnam vets that were from the Kansas City area. Both had been fly fishing before so they knew how to cast so we started fishing right off the bat. It was a little slower but we still caught a few fish. We used the same setup but we just used the San Juan and Miracle Fly combo. Most of the fish ate the Miracle Fly and a few ate the San Juan Worm. Still used 7x Fluoroflex. Yesterday I got out by myself and fished up by the dam between outlet 1 and 2. I had from outlet 2 up to the wire all to myself, everyone else was fishing the outlets. I used a #16 Rusty Midge and that's the only fly I fished. The power generators were off so I could see the fish and cast right at them. I like to find the highest place to fish from. The new boulders the Conservation Dept. put in work great for this. Some of them are flat on top so they are easy to stand on. I fished the midge on 7x Fluoroflex about 18 inches under a Palsa. I also got to try out Rio's new line called Perception (not in stock, but can be ordered here at Lilleys'). This line is awesome. It has only a 6% stretch as opposed to a 32% stretch with most other fly line. This allow you to have a better feel of the line helping you feel when your rod loads better. Before I used it I thought I wouldn't be able to tell the difference but as soon as I used it I could feel the difference a big difference.
I got out for a couple of hours this afternoon. There were 3 generators running. I fished the bluff below lookout island all the way down to Fall Creek. I threw a white Galloup's Boogie Man on an 8wt fly rod with 300gr 24ft sink tip line. I have a few fish to the boat and a lot of follows with that. Most were 14-16 inch rainbows and had 1 brown. I then switched to an ultra light spinning rod fishing the same are with a #8 Rapala X-Rap in Gold. Close to the same results only a couple more browns. I did hook 1 that was well over 20 inches but he came off real quick. I was using 2lb test so I didn't set the hook very hard at all.
Gates To Stay Open May Be Through This Weekend
johndarin replied to Phil Lilley's topic in Upper Lake Taneycomo
It's a jerkbait made by Trout Magnet that is a hard bait. They are called Trout Magnet Trout Cranks. -
Lilleys' Lake Taneycomo Fishing Report, August 9
johndarin replied to Phil Lilley's topic in Upper Lake Taneycomo
I got out for a couple of hours also and did well on an 1/8oz white jig right below the cable. I also threw a white Galloups Monkey on my fly rod with sink tip line. I didn't hook any but got a few follows and hits. Did see some shad and had one trout spit one up when I got it in the boat. -
The weather here has been nice, most days have been at least 90 degrees for the last couple of weeks and sunny and we haven't had any rain for at least a month or better! Table Rock Lake has been holding at 916.70 feet above sea level for the last week or so. This has allowed the Corps of Engineers to run the power generators a little each day. But for this past week the generators have been off in the morning and on in the afternoon. When they have been on it has been between 100 MWh and 150 MWh, about 2 to 3 generators. In the trophy area when the power generators are off, wade fishing has been great using #16 Rusty, P&P, or Black & Copper midge have been working about 18 - 20 inches under an indicator. Scuds and eggs are also working but need to be close to the bottom also under an indicator. These can be fished either on a fly rod or spinning rod, but you must use 6x fluorocarbon tippet or 2lb fluorocarbon line. When the power generators are on you have to adjust just a little bit but wading is not a good idea. Fishing from a boat is the best option when they are on. Eggs and scuds will still work but also San Juan worms and jigs will work but you have to add a little weight to get them to stay down. You can fish them under and indicator but the best way is to drag them on the bottom on a drift rig. Just below Fall Creek down to Short Creek air injected worms have been working and also orange and yellow Powerbait or Gulp. Fishing these on a drift rig, dragging them on the bottom is the way to go. Monkey Island and through the bridges by the Branson Landing are also a couple of great spots. As you can tell by the pictures being posted over the last couple of weeks, there has been quite a few 20" browns and rainbows caught and released. Good Luck! By: Darin Schildknecht-Lilleys' Landing Pro Staff
No you have to live there or be staying there. I think you can get a membership there also, not sure on that though.
(26 in Brown Caught by: Mike Skiles on a guided trip with Rick Lisek) The weather here in Branson has been amazing. The last week or so the temperature had not climbed above ninety degrees and it has been sunny. The Power generators have been running for a few weeks with very little low water until the last couple of days. The power generators have been off for the last couple morning and have came on around 2pm or 3pm. This has allowed the wade fishermen to get out. I went wade fishing on the 4th with my brother-in-law and a friend. We fished just one area, Pointe Royale, for about 5 hours. We all did very well. This was Bill's first time fly fishing and he got casting down in about 10 min and went to catching fish. He also had the big one of the day, a 17 inch rainbow. We all were using a yellow or peach Miracle Fly on 6x fluorocarbon tippet under a Palsa. This was the way to go all day. We did catch 1 small brown that was about 13 inches. We fished on the island just below lookout and stayed there until about 2:30pm. The fish were midging all day but we only caught 1 fish using midges. We also tried a couple of different scuds but the Miracle Fly still was the best. Down below Fall Creek the fishing has been a little slower but still good. Drifting air injected worm along the bottom has been the best lately. The best areas have been from just below Fall Creek's dock down to Short Creek, and also around Monkey Island. If you want to be in a less crowded area the bridges down by the landing are a great place too. I did run down to just in front of the Branson Landing a couple of days ago and caught just a few fish on a Trout Magnet. The best colors were Salmon Fix, Sassy, and Pink. Good Luck!
Worms have been working the best but as said before they do like to eat it. If you want to release them like he said pinch the barb or the best thing to do id to just cut your line and leave the hook in them. They will get it out themselves.
Lilleys' Landing Fishing Report June 27Th
johndarin replied to johndarin's topic in Upper Lake Taneycomo
I use both, it doesn't seem to matter. -
We have seen more generation this week. The last three days there has been two generators running all day. For a couple of days before that we did see some mornings with no generation. Table Rock Lake is down to 916.89 feet above sea level as of 7am this morning, but I believe they are generating so much because of the heat. I got out for a few hours yesterday and did well. First thing I went right up to the cable. I was the only boat up there and caught a few fish along the south bank between the cable and the island. Most of the fish came out of the deeper water. I was using a white streamer on 300 grain, 24 foot sink tip line on an 8wt fly rod. On my next pass I switched to a spinning rod with a #14 gray scud trailed by a peach colored egg. Again most of the fish came out of the deeper water, I was drifting right down the middle of the lake not up close to the bank. After a couple of drifts I moved down to Lookout Bluff and switched back to the streamer. I had a lot of fish chasing but didn't see any big ones. Right at the top end of the bluff, just below the island, is where i caught most of the fish including one nice brown. Later in the day I ran into Rick Lisek. I stopped and managed to talk to him for a bit they were catching some good fish. He was fishing just below outlet three when I caught up with him. Just as I got there they hooked up with a nice one. They were using San Juan worms on a drift rig but I didn't hear what color. Most of the time red and brown are the best colors. From Fall Creek to the Branson Landing worms blown up with air have still been the best. A couple of spots that you might want to try would be just out in front of Short Creek, Monkey Island, and just below the bridges by the Landing. Powerbait or Gulp in orange and yellow or white and pink have also been producing. I have not tried any Trout Magnets in a while so I broke them out yesterday. I like to fish them under a float with no extra weight on 5x fluorocarbon tippet. I tried my usual spots with a few takers. One of my favorite spots is right out in from of Kanakuk. I keep the boat just out past their docks and cast towards the bank. The color of choice was Salmon Fix but I also caught some on a Pink and also Cotton Candy. Good Luck! By: Darin Schildknecht, Lilleys' Landing Pro Staff
The ramp at Fall Creek is closed they are putting big chunk rock all around it.
Just what Bill said, all of the above. The bite slowed way down about 9am. Went out yesterday evening and caught a few doing the same thing. just dragging a tube or football jig real slow on the bottom.
It was a good morning for smallies. I took out a couple of friends just for a couple of hours in the morning. We tried some top water at first with no luck. The fish were chasing shad but not our imitations. We moved to Indian Point and switched to tubes and a football jig. The fish were still coming up there but still didn't want a spook. They did however eat the tube like crazy. If we didn't hook them the first time they would come right back and hit it again. I threw a 3/8oz PB&J Pigsticker football jig and did about the same as the tubes. Most of the fish were between 15 and 1 fow. We fished from 5am until 9am. Indian Point was the place to be.
Hey Babler I know you like the KU! Rock Chalk Jayhawk!!
My brother-in-law and I got out early Sunday morining and hit the right place at the right time. We went straight to Indian Point and we started fishing the bank and we weren't there 2 minutes and the whites came up. They were from 1 fow to 45 fow. They had a couple schools of shad that they were chasing around. They were there from about 630 until 730 and then they moved out. We caught about 50 in that time. My bro in law had never seen that before and he was worn out after that hour of action. We threw square bills but i think they would have hit anything that was close to looking like a shad.
Had sme fun fishing this weekend. My brother-in-law and I got out on taney for just a few hours. We fished around the lookout island. We used a Miracle Fly under an indicator with 6x fluorocarbon tippet. We fished from the island and caught fish all the way down the island. The generators were off and supposed to be off until 3pm but got turned on about 1 or so. This happened while we were on the island and we were catching fish so I wasn't paying attention. The water got to fast and we were stuck. So we just kept on fishing. After about an hour I finally called Steve Dickey who came and picked us up.
Thanks for the info I will have to check Mozingo out. Nothing any finer than catching a big bucket mouth on the fly rod!! I have a bunch of mice and frogs ready to rock and roll! Michael, I have fished that lake since they built it. When it first opened it was amazing! But after a couple of years it had slowed down. We used to catch them on little tiny soft plastic lizards that were about an inch long. We would catch 1lbers to 6 lbers! Let me know how you do. Used to be my favorite place to fish when I lived up there.
This week has been great on the rock. I've fished the last couple of days and have caught some good fish. On Sunday I took out one of my good friends Tyson who hasn't been fishing in about 4 years. We fished a couple of the cove across from the State Park ramp and caught fish all day. The fish are still hanging on the bank but also out in the tree line that is in 25-30 feet of water. I kept the boat right on top of the tree line and I would cast straight down the tree line and he would cast up to the bank. we both caught a lot of fish. The biggest fish of the day came right off the bank. Tyson though he was hung up but nope it started running. I fished by myself yesterday after work from about 7pm till dark. I put in at State Park and went left. I fished just a couple points between the ramp and Emerald Point. I did the same thing, kept the boat in about 25 feet of water right over the tree line and would cast to the bank and down the tree line. I caught fish both ways up shallow and in the tree line. Both days i was using grubs. Smoke/Copper flake, PB&J, Smoke/Red and Copper flake. It didn't seem to matter which one they all caught fish.
Thank you too Phil
Thanks Bill! I wish I would have caught some crappie but I don't think I made it to the right spot.