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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Troutn

  1. That's what has gotten me into the situation i'm in today. I have had a lot of good fishing and hunting trips though! I suppose one more wouldn't hurt.
  2. Well, I was a sure thing for going tonight but there is now a very slim possability that I will get called out to go to work. Oh well, bills have got to be paid I suppose, but don't count me out yet.
  3. Glad to hear you had a good time. I got there and it was plum full up by the big hole. I started out at the end of the gauntlet and ended the night up at the big hole. it started off a little slow for me but ended on a really good note. After duckydoty, michael and the gang moved on, I moved up to the big hole. As soon as they left I changed flies and moved on up to the big hole. For about an hour and a half I cought fish on at least every other cast. The fly of the night for me was a brown leach. I had used every other color I had until this point with mediocre results. So there you have it, started off slow and ended with a bang. No big fish, but I would say I caught aprox 30-35 fish in 3 hours. Sorry I didn't say hi to anyone. I don't say much to anyone while fishing. I don't want to interupt or butt in on a fishing trip with a good friend or what not. On the other hand, feel free to holler my name out and ask what I am cathing them on. I hope every one caught lots of fish last night. Nathan
  4. It looks like I have gotten all my honey do's out of the way for today, and will be able to do a little fishing this evening. Mr Beeson, I don't think I have had the pleasure of meeting you down there yet. Perhaps tonight? Nathan
  5. Thanks a ton for the information. I'll be giving it an honest go of it the next couple of nights. Nathan
  6. I should be able to go tonight. I'll look for you if I make it down.
  7. I am going to be on Table Rock around the dam area this next week and was hoping to get a few clues as to how to catch a few crappie. I do not spend much time crappie fishing at all and I know that it is a bitt late to be fishing for them now. I was hoping to get a few clues as to what you key off of for crappie. I don't need any secret spots, it just would be nice to know how deep to fish, what lure or bait might I try or any other general information. If there are any spots that are disclosed, I will be catch and release only this week. My main goal is to field test a new lure. Thanks in advance for the info! Nathan
  8. Isn't that always the way it goes. I was planning on going last night but decided to rest up for work today instead. I figured with the light rain and wind the fishing would be good. Oh well, there's always next time.
  9. Anyone planning on going fishing tonight? I plan on going down this evening if it isn't pouring down rain. Last night they were generating one unit the whole time I was there. I spent most of my time at outlet one and did fair on sculpin and leach patterns. I fished from about 11:00 to 1:00 and cought 6. The biggest being about 15 inches. I think the key was to stripp really slow with several pauses in between. They would often pick it up as it was falling, as they often do. Anywho, maybe they'll quite generating for a bitt tonight? Nathan
  10. It sounds like a good time was had by all. Is there any chance the party wagon will be down there tonight?
  11. Well, that's how it usually goes with me. All the fish were caught last night by the dynamic duo. I'll probably strike out tonight.
  12. Thanks a ton for the info. I'll be sure to stop by and get a few flies from you before I make a trip.
  13. Well, it's a little too nasty out there for me tonight! I'm staying home where it's warm and dry. Perhaps it will let up a little in the morning?
  14. What size would you start off with?
  15. I am new to fishing the James and am looking for some advice. I would really like to get into some fish with the fly rod, but any info would be greatly appreciated. I have found a few places I would like to give a go (via maps) and would really appreciate some tips on lures or flies. I am an extreme novice at this point so just about any information is more than I have at the moment. Thanks a ton! Nathan
  16. From what I hear, Leonard doesn't much care for the stormy weather. I should make it down there around 10:30 - 11:00 if some of these storms clear off. nathan
  17. Yup. that was me alright. I really had a good time fishing this past weekend. I didn't get into as many fish as I have in the past, but learned a lot. It was also nice seeing some faces to go with the names.
  18. First off I would like to thank all the forum members that have really helped me out the last couple of weeks. I have gotten many new tips and flies that will surely put me on more fush. Well, I made it down to outlet two last night a little later than I had planned on. I went down and looked at the water level and it looked like they were generating 3+ units. So I went back to the car and got all geared up. With all the great stuff I have learned lately, I learned something myself last night . . . . . . . . . . It doesn't matter if you have all the right flies or all the know how in the world, if you forgot your fly rod back at the house your not going to catch any fish. So I packed all my gear up and headed back to Springfield. They probably weren't biting anyways.
  19. Is anyone planning on going fishing tonight? I know they will most likely be generating, but I need to get better at fishing high water anyways. I'll probably start at outlet 2 about 11:30 or so. Nathan
  20. I am still pretty new to fly fishing and am still working on my assortment of flies. I have pleny of leaches and woolies and a few misc. Do you think this will get me by for tonight?
  21. Well, I can be there between 9:30 and 10:00. I have to do a few chores before the boss says I can go. Will that still work?
  22. I was planning on going this evening. Where do you want to meet and at what time?
  23. Is anyone else thinking about going out tonight? It is going to be a cold one for sure.
  24. I'm contemplating going as well. If the water is high will you most likely be at outlet 2. I need to learn the ways of high water fishing on Taney, and who better to teach me than the one and only Leonard!
  25. Well, no dice on Taney last night. They were generating everyitme I called. Maybe later on this week they will slow it down a bit.
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