Glad to hear you had a good time. I got there and it was plum full up by the big hole. I started out at the end of the gauntlet and ended the night up at the big hole. it started off a little slow for me but ended on a really good note. After duckydoty, michael and the gang moved on, I moved up to the big hole. As soon as they left I changed flies and moved on up to the big hole. For about an hour and a half I cought fish on at least every other cast. The fly of the night for me was a brown leach. I had used every other color I had until this point with mediocre results. So there you have it, started off slow and ended with a bang. No big fish, but I would say I caught aprox 30-35 fish in 3 hours.
Sorry I didn't say hi to anyone. I don't say much to anyone while fishing. I don't want to interupt or butt in on a fishing trip with a good friend or what not. On the other hand, feel free to holler my name out and ask what I am cathing them on. I hope every one caught lots of fish last night.