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Hector Boirie

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Everything posted by Hector Boirie

  1. Got my heart broken. Got up at 4 to make the haul out there and had to cancel the trip. My trolling motor wouldn't run. All three batteries didn't take a charge! I could have died. Changed out the fuses and they finally charged up, late last night. I'll have to wait til next Sunday to have any reports
  2. Any color pattern?
  3. WOW! Any additional info on what you were doing? Heading out to the lake this Sunday and would love to bring home a mess of crappie. Last year was my first time ever fishing crappie and i did relatively well fishing the docks. I would love to know how to pull them off deep piles with jigs or even pull plugs for them. Thanks! hb
  4. Just wanted to say thanks. Never heard of a guide that was so helpful and willing to share info. I've been out on loz with two other guides...the next time the business is yours. Thanks to everybody else too. I'm going to head out there and give it a shot. Hopefully i get an 8 pounder for my bday. Thanks!!!
  5. Can anybody give me some info on the bass bite?? The fourth is my Bday and I'm thinking of going to either loz or twain for my day off. I haven't been out to loz since may and would need an update before making the haul. Any info would help tremendously.
  6. what a day! 30+ fish. 22 keepers. The rest were short bass and small crappie. We worked coves around the dam. Fish were in 20ft. of water. Back of the docks hiding from the sun.
  7. thanks for the help. I'll post results tomorrow.
  8. We have primarily beenteying early in the morning. Is that a mistake? Do crappie wait for the sun to warm the water up? Or should I be finding them early? I really appreciate the help.
  9. We have primarily beenteying early in the morning. Is that a mistake? Do crappie wait for the sun to warm the water up? Or should I be finding them early? I really appreciate the help.
  10. jack- we've been out three times this month trying to find these crappie...with no success. Every time we've given up and switched to bass. Are they tight to the brush? First year crappie fishing so any info helps. We are going to give it another shot this Wednesday. Hopefully the wind doesn't mess things up.
  11. Fished grav. this am for about 5 hours. Water temp around 37-38. Majority of coves still have a thin layer of ice. Worked several jerkbaits...skunked. Talked to a couple of other guys out, same results.
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