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Gene K

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About Gene K

  • Birthday 09/11/1959

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    St. louis

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  1. Gene K

    Feral hogs

    Maybe helicopter shooting, but not on foot on my terrain, save the field area. I was watching TV last month and started hearing what I thought was pig squeals coming from the TV. So I muted the TV and I still heard them. They were right next to my house so I grabbed the AR and walked out on the front deck. All I saw was some movement in the dark. They were gone in a flash down a steep ravine. Even if I were to get a shot off, it would have been a potshot at best. I don't know what differentiates a situation where a pig that charges at you or them running away, but I prefer the latter - and waiting for the trap to catch them. I can fly my drone over where the traps are placed, but they spend much of their time in the ONSR, and drones are prohibited in the ONSR (software prohibits).
  2. Gene K

    Feral hogs

    It's an early battle, so I don't think hope is lost yet. MDC is 100% correct that we shouldn't hunt them. They are in control of the effort. Wait until they're in the trap and then unload 😉. Taking a shot at one only hurts the eradication effort.
  3. Gene K

    Feral hogs

    A quick search would say you are correct. Hard to keep up with that kind of multiplication factor along with the rugged terrain that they can hide in. I have a trail cam pic from back in the spring with 9 piglets amongst 4 adults.
  4. FYI - The upper Current has a feral hog problem and it's growing. The land owners around the Parker area have multiple traps set (via MDC), and while they have been successful, it seems the numbers just keep increasing. We see them on the river banks on occasion, but mostly in the woods or our fields. They are mean SOBs and there's no way I will hike the woods without a firearm any longer. That said, even that wouldn't guarantee you from harm from an angry pack. It can take multiple shots from an AR-10 to drop a single hog. The below pic was the day after the above hogs were eliminated. About 1/2 mile apart.
  5. Hey Gavin, all good with you I hope? The LMB's are generally those that wash over the spillway at my neighbor's pond which runs into Shaffer creek.
  6. Yepper. https://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis/uv?07064440
  7. Tan Vat is the farthest upstream that you can launch a canoe. It's right next to the Inman Hollow label in this map link. https://goo.gl/maps/iMyw1ACrhGXikTMr7
  8. I routinely put in at Tan Vat and it's almost never an issue, but those are day trips with no overnight gear. I see people putting in at Baptist with loads of overnight gear, so I would think it's doable.
  9. https://www.nps.gov/ozar/planyourvisit/horsepower.htm
  10. My neighbor is there now (Parker access) and yesterday he said the river looked like chocolate milk. He didn't even think of fishing it.
  11. If camping on gravel bars in that stretch, make sure to have raccoon proof containers for food. Better yet, to be safe - bear hoist all food. Raccoons ate through a soft-side Yeti of mine...
  12. Here's the current level - https://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis/uv?07064440 Had an inch of rain yesterday but doesn't look like it affected the river much. Pretty low, but also pretty normal for this time of the year. Have a good time. Probably run past you this weekend.
  13. As far as I can recall, the lodge is open during the down-time. I know the restaurant is open. There are other options for places to stay if it's closed. For example, a friend of mine has a place just up YY on airbnb - http://bit.ly/2gmgzrI
  14. Correct - same as every year...
  15. Listing in Montauk Village - https://www.trulia.com/property/3255884018-114-Private-Lane-602-Salem-MO-65560
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