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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. I love the A rig. If you get one, get the $16 dollar one. No need for the $25 one from walmart. We've been killing the white bass with these things while everyone else watches and wonders why they aren't catching anything. Is it a guarantee? no, but it greatly increases your chances. At first I hated it, thought it was a waste of money, but now its my fav and it's proven itself. If you dont like em...cool....have fun watching us pull em out of the water. There is especially one technique that seems to be the secret lately, but I'll leave that for you to figure out. Of course, when the whites are like piranhas it doesn't really matter what you throw, but when they just aren't biting give the A-rig a throw and see if it doesn't change your mind.
  2. HA. I almost took a picture of that, wish I would have now. Highway Patrol worked that accident and I'm waiting for them to call me back.
  3. Wait a min. I was down there last night too and heard all the cops, wondering what was going on. Earlier that day there were 3 guys on a.......a........well......i guess boat......it looked more like 1/2 a boat. Actually it looked more like garbage held up by styrofoam and they were paddling with boards, yes boards. It didnt look safe at all. I wonder if this was the "boat cut in half". It may have already been in half when it started. They launched it from below the dam on the river run side and we passed them when we were headed back from the dam to swan.
  4. I took the kids out yesterday. Caught a couple nice whites from the shore between Swan and the dam. We fished the mouth of Swan right before dark and nothing. I would say they will be early this year with the mild winter and the looks of the ones I caught. They still seem to be in deeper water than Swan, but not much deeper.
  5. I'm sure there were some in there. Even a couple gar swimming around with em all. The suckers were more by the cliff side and the rest were around the bend.
  6. Largemouth's are on. Buddy in the boat with me caught 2 on one spook! one was a 3 pounder, the other was smaller. Saw people from the bank catchin em with minnows. You'd catch one and then have a whole fleet of em following the one on the line. Up in Swan there were HUNDREDS of carp and shad. I mean tons of em. As we were trolling through it was like a stampede of fish. Big ones, small ones, and everything in between.
  7. went out yesterday.....very slow. Some small walleye, some small largemouth. Nothing worth writing home about. Saw a couple people pull out a small male white or two, but nothing major. Kind of a disappointing day after the awesome fishing for the last 2 months.
  8. They are still there, just not in concentrated schools like before. Caught a 21 inch small mouth and 21 inch walleye up by the dam the other day. Hopefully going out today also and will post what I find.
  9. Went out last night. Still found whites between swan and the dam. Couple 3lbs, most between 2-3.
  10. Went out Fri, Sat, Sun, and Tues. Was slaying the whites on fri and sat 1/2 way between the dam and swan. All of em were big females. Couple 3+ pounders. Fri was almost a fish every cast. White sliders. Tues we caught a couple but way slower than the other days and had to troll around to find those couple.
  11. I was out on Swan Sunday and ran into plently of whites. Seem to start around the first bend on swan from the main lake on back. The crappie have been amazing this year, haven't seen a small one. Large mouth are plenty aggressive and have caught several nice ones. Even caught a walleye that was too big for the little trout net we had on hand. All of this in swan. Im glad to see a stretch with no rain. The fishing was awesome before all the rain and it appears to be picking back up. The fishing from the shore is a little slow, but from a boat its great. Now if I just had a boat.
  12. E Taney County. Nice 10 pointer 100 yards away and moving with first 1/2 hour. Shot 3 times missed all 3. was using different ammo, resighted gun at noon, the normal does were out that night. Went hunting Sunday in my shorts and light camo shirt at 5:30 am (crazy), got a doe. Havent seen a thing since.
  13. I moved down here about 4 years ago and havent had much of a chance the last couple years to get out fishing. But one year I was out fishing on BS between the dam and swan creek. Man the whites were like paranahs on the water feeding on the shad. I had two jigs on the line and was catching em two at a time every cast. Was this a freak occurance that year? or do they do that every year to stock up for winter? If so, when? Had to have been sometime around now.
  14. I have no doubt about the prices of the condos. I was talking to a guy who runs one of the little kiosks in the landing...the thing can't be 3x4 feet in size and it cost him $2500 a MOTNTH for that little kiosk. Store space is $60/sq foot RENT!
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