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Everything posted by SilverMallard

  1. It is amount of mail and calls FIRST, and then they look at % in-state vs. out-of-state to see if there is some "foreign" agenda going on. And comms from their own constituents are always taken the most seriously because their reelection depends on them.
  2. Wow. Rough crowd up there, huh?
  3. Yes, Dave, it's the same bill being referenced in both threads. And it was first mentioned by snowfly (I think) on the Roaring River thread about the chicken farm. Dan, since you aren't a registered MO voter, I don't know who to tell you to call. You could call the state senator for Branson I guess...since you can tell them you drive in from out of state often to fish there...something along those lines. I'll find out who that is and post it here in a minute. You can also contact any environmental organization you are affiliated with that has a presence in MO like TU, DU, Sierra Club, BASS, etc. and try to help bring this to their attention. Oh! I haven't spoken to the Upper White River Basin NGO yet, either. I meant to do that today, but ran out of time. Friends of the White should speak up on this also. They live downstream. That was kind of why I posted on John's board in the first place. But when he jumped all over it and tried to turn it into a Mo vs. Ar thing, I just got disgusted...for the last time. They pretty much get a better deal than they deserve down there as far as I'm concerned. That would Senator Jack Goodman. You can email him or get his phone numbers using this link: http://www.senate.mo.gov/07info/members/mem29.htm
  4. Yep! That's the one! Some of the national eco-watchdogs are all over this one too. You can run a google search on "Missouri SB364" and get some analysis.
  5. Gang, SB364...strips all cities and counties and watershed/drainage districts of ANY authority to enforce conservation/pollution regs stricter than the state regs, which are more full of holes than swiss cheese, and prohibits ALL lawsuits against farms for ecological violations/damages...is RACING through the state Senate. Big ag is really pushing this bad boy! Reasons are pretty obvious. Our state Senators need to hear from us on this one NOW! If you don't want to be drinking, swimming/boating/water skiing in, and fishing in pig and chicken waste...if you don't want to wake each morning to the smell of the hog confinement upwind of your home...you better call or email your state Senator TODAY and tell them that you STRONGLY oppose this bill and expect them to as well. This is the most important environmental conservation issue I have seen in the MO legislature since Honda tried to force all Missouri boat owners to buy a new Honda outboard by law in 2000. Yes, a few of MO's wonderful state senators actually backed THAT ridiculous bill too! GET INVOLVED! Nobody cares more about local water and air quality than LOCALS!
  6. ...crappie and white bass fishing! I want to know who is planning to chase them with the fly rods. Sound off here. Let's get a list together of crazy fly fishermen who think you can catch panfish and bass on a fly rod...and want to. Oh, I also don't mind chasing crappie on ultralight spinning tackle if it means I get to go crappie fishing. So everyone keep that in mind if you find yourself with an open seat in the boat. Crappie...the OTHER white meat.
  7. Crane Creek also has small Caddis in pretty good #s. But I have never fished a Caddis pattern there. Might try it soon.
  8. Well, I sounded the alarm pretty good on this one today. We'll see what happens.
  9. I use a 9' trout taper SA Mastery leader in 5x (almost always) and 5x-7x tippet (about 18"). Do NOT use fluorocarbon! And I use a 4wt rod almost always for midges and dries. These are in the light olive tint. Then I grease the whole leader, tippet, and fly with Redington dry fly floatant. FYI, if you are using such a small dry that you cannot see it, there are 2 things you can try: 1. Learn to watch the last visible part of your leader and project outward to estimate where the fly is. ANY surfacing trout within that area, set the hook ever so lightly. It actually doesn't take many rises to get pretty effective at this. 2. If that doesn't work for you, you CAN actually take 1/2 of a Palsa Foam indicator and fold it onto the leader 2-3' above the fly. Now, this might cost you a few takes, but it might help you set the hook on the ones you still get. It also helps your leader to float a bit better. But it gives you a point of reference close to the fly that is easy to focus on. I only use the white ones...for any type of fishing. And occassionally, in bad light situations, I still do pinch one of these bad boys on to help me keep track of the fly. You CAN catch fish this way. It's a good set of training wheels for beginners, actually. NOTE: you may get trout striking the indicator occassionally. SET THE HOOK SLOWLY if that happens. Interestingly, I have hooked quite a few fish this way and NEVER foul-hooked one...always in the top lip. LOL
  10. THAT needs to be defeated!
  11. When I first saw this thread title, I thought it was going to be about the Arkansas Guide License.
  12. Yes...Tiger Muskies...Spring River. Also, Pomme du Terre in MO has Muskies from what I've read.
  13. On bright sunny days, my first choice in a scud BY FAR is a holographic purple crystal dubbing called UV Ice Dubbing wrapped for segmentation and legs with a bleached ginger ostrich herl and trimmed across the back...sizes 14-18. This is a pattern I invented by combining the scuds two other good fly-fishing buddies of mine were having success with. And in those conditions, I experience about twice the success with that fly that I do with the ones tied like either of theirs. One of those rare examples of 2+2 actually adding up to 4 in fishing.
  14. Nope. Nobody fishes dry flies...ever. :ph34r: I fish dry flies every chance I get where it looks like a good idea. I prefer dry fly fishing. I know several people who fish dries quite a bit in the Ozarks. But when about 80% of the food is baitfish and macro-invertebrates, it just kind of stands to reason that you're gonna do a lot of nymph and streamer fishing. But I have noticed over the past 12 years of fishing for trout in the Ozarks that the scud patterns are becoming less effective and smaller, and midge patterns are becoming more effective. I have NO science to back this up with really, but several old-timers believe the scuds and sowbugs are getting a LOT smaller and more sparse while midges are becoming more prolific. And I suspect this has something to do with the changing ecology of our streams and tailwaters. Example: when I started fishing Taney below TRD 12 years ago, there were about 1/2 as many anglers there at any given time compared to now. And every footstep in that gravel kills scuds. Then there is the whole phosphates issue, siltification, and all the other effects of increasing development.
  15. Capps or Crane Creek. I can fish weekdays on short notice. Wouldn't mind a bit of company now and then if you fish these creeks quite a bit. I do have about 1 mi. of private access permission on lower Crane Creek. It's good for panfish, white bass, and trout...depending on conditions/season. Just shoot me an email to silver.mallard@mchsi.com if you want to hook up.
  16. I know a few of the water quality scientists who do the vetting on these permit applications. They are fly-fishermen who love Ozark streams. But they DO have to play by the rules written for them by the state legislature and USEPA. I'm not suggesting they are doing the right thing here. But I wanted to provide that background info for context.
  17. I know Chuck Gries fishes scuds up there some. But I've caught my fish at Crane on midge patterns. I know a spin fisherman who swears by orange beetlespins in Crane Creek. He claims to have caught some monsters.
  18. Just wanted to post a note that I would be open to fishing Capps or Crane Creek any weekday...sometimes even with little advanced warning. So, if any of y'all feel like a little company, shoot me an email at silver.mallard@mchsi.com I have some private access on lower Crane Creek that is good for panfish and the occassional trout...including the biggest trout I've ever seen in Crane Creek.
  19. Just always give them Terry's information and you'll be fine.
  20. And there you have it! Straight from the horse's mouth! A wise man would take that advice to the bank.
  21. Ummm...if I recall correctly, it isn't that simple. I think they need permits for specific exercises of these rights.
  22. I don't know the exchange rates right now, but he could have just been trying to avoid an exchange rate loss. More likely, he was trying to scam you or launder money. But why such a small amount? That doesn't make sense.
  23. So I'm assuming he wanted your bank account info? Was that the problem?
  24. I think Franklin was having a far more lucid moment when he penned, "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
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