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Everything posted by Ham

  1. I use the braid for better hook sets from a distance. I use the leader to cut down on braid being used when changing lures and re-ties. I also use the leader for a built in weak link if I have to break off due to a deep snag or a errant cast that is not retrievable. I'm fishing my braid on a M/L rod and over the decades I have learned how to set my drag to avoid break offs. So far, I'm liking the combo. I'm getting good hook sets and I'm not breaking off very often. I'm not sure that I have broken off on a fish since the switch. Maybe I have, but certainly not enough to have been problem.
  2. 6-8-10 lb for spinning in P-Line CX Premium, but I have of late been trying Power Pro in the 6-20 (or whatever they call their 20 lb braid) on spinning with a 2 foot section of 10 lb mono attached to the braid with a uni knot. If you want to try the braid, use some backing to take up room on the spool and DO NOT overfill. if anything, under fill the spool. I use 12-14 lb on the baitcaster, but I might try some 10 lb soon.
  3. I usually carry other folks trash out every trip. Sometimes people abandon full mesh bags full of trash on the river. At more popular takeouts, people throw the re-usable bags away with the trash in them. I empty the trash and save the bag. Be careful when boating in Arkansas. I'd hate you you to get a BIG ticket for someone else's trash. Loose cans in the bottom of your canoe, will earn you a fine of over $100 each or so I observed on the Caddo one day. MO has the same laws, but Arkansas enforces theirs.
  4. I've a couple of the #6 poppers. I also have a couple of the #10 bullets. I like the yellow and white, but I. Was after the blue to look like the damsels on the creeks.
  5. Boogle Bugs are a nice cork popping bug. They make them in three basic designs. Each design is available in seven colors and each design is available in sizes #4 thru #10. I drug my feet a little bit about paying $5.00 for a popping bug, but they had a particular design I wanted in a particular color so I got it.. I used a Boogle Bug Thursday and caught a bunch of fish on it (roughly 30 fish total-bass and various panfish) and it still looks brand new. Most popping bugs start looking pretty bedraggled after that many fish and this sucker looks un-used. Granted if you hang it in a tree or get broken off by a fish the durability is a moot point, But regular popping bugs have gone up in price quite a bit and for a couple of dollars more you get a fly that lasts more than twice as long. Check em out if you want to. Boogle Bugs
  6. Just wanted to add that I got a call the other day from Simm's letting me know they had found the leak as I described and also found some pinhole leaks that I had not noticed. They called to confirm my shippig address. I received my waders back from them a few days later. IF and when it gets cooler, I'll have to try the waders out, but for now I'm strictly wet wading.
  7. Wet waded at Rim Shoals on Wednesday. Water never really got down like I wanted it too and once Iwas really dialed in the rise hit. I got 29 to hand with a zebra midge. I jad some nice chunky bows and one cutt that survived a blue heron. Fish sure were colored up and pulling hard. I'm dreaming of prolonged low water.
  8. I think they softened the keel a bit from the Tarpon. I like the replaceable section on the rear where wear is expected. Some little stuff especially for the angler. I very iterated in the ability to stand and fish from it. The fancy seat seems nice, bu I am concerned about the seat's ability to hold up over time.
  9. This isn't hot. Go to Louisiana and fish the Red River right now. Miserable hot. I moved here primarily because of the heat and humidity of Louisiana. You can always pull to the side and take a quick dip to get cooled off. When (if) I go wade fishing the White river this time of year, I wet wade despite the fact I have good breathable waders.
  10. Usually when you get worms at Burger King it is NOT a good thing.
  11. Ham


    Lot's of people make those kinds of arguments and they're wrong too. Just because it is "natural" doesn't mean it's safe or harmless. Tobacco is natural and it grows from the ground just like the curly weed. Both are bad for your lungs and your body, but due to the vastly larger numbers of tobacco addicts we know more about the harmful effects of tobacco. Peter Tosh will tell you weed is safe and even good for you, but he isn't a health researcher. Opium is also natural as is uranium, snake venoms, puffer fish toxins etc. I wish we didn't have to deal with the evils alcohol and tobacco either, but using weed makes you a defacto criminal. And while I'll agree that pot isn't as addictive as tobacco, there certain has been a lot of people that have thrown their lives away using it.
  12. I haven't fished with catalpa worms in decades, but I have such fond remembrances of doing so that I have planted catalpa trees in multiple states. The "worms" sure don't seem to be as common as they once were. I'd love to get some started when my trees get a little (ok a lot ) bigger.
  13. Ham


    That's funny stuff.
  14. My 2007 G3 waders started weeping a little water where the foot attached to the body of the waders. I when online and got the return forms filled out and followed thw mailing instructions. Got a call from the good folks atSimms yesterday. they confirmed that they found and fixed that problem. Tested the waders for other leaks. They waders were in the process of being returned to me and they called to confirm my shipping address. Whiile I wish there had not een a problem, I'm very happy with the service.
  15. Fish for walleye in BSL instead of Norfork.
  16. There is a new tackle store in Mtn Home. I stopped in yesterday. I think their hours are 0830 until 1730. They seem to be pretty well stocked with basics and hard to find stuff. I think the name is Rock Springs Tackle. They are on the north side of Hwy 5 across from the old Sheid's. Plenty of parking and easy to get in and out. Swing by and give them a look.
  17. I don't see the need for anything less than a 3 wt. In fact, I feel a little under gunned with the 3 wt.
  18. I recently bought a 2009 BassCat Cougar. I will definitely want to be using an anchor from time to time. I do have various compartments that I could stow the anchor in, but I have some concerns about the anchor banging around and doing damage. This an open call for advice on how to best secure the anchor so that it is handy when I need it, but my "new" boat doesn't get a beat down from the anchor when things get a little rough. Thanks.
  19. I am READY to drift a Zebra midge. Maybe I can get out soon.
  20. Hey Ron, Sounds like a good trip to me. Glad you got out and caught em.
  21. I had re-spooled a couple of spinning rods and a bait casting reel and I wanted to trail the line out before a creek trip. I also needed to run the trout boat soooo I gave the OOT folks time to head back to where they live and headed to Rim about 5 pm. The water was as trashy as the women Bill Clinton hooks up with. Baits picked up gobs of algae on nearly every cast. Fishing was very poor. I got done what I needed done and hung around just long enough to catch one rainbow and hook another pretty decent fish that pulled off. The high water releases damaged the islands at Rim which was not unexpected. Maybe we can get some government stimulis money to rebuild the islands at Rim.
  22. The heat and high water have been frustrating, but I live here. As much as I'd like to go, I'll wait until the holiday crowd departs.
  23. What ramps are working on the lower right now ? I got a new boat and I am paranoid about damaging it.
  24. Seems like you could cut a chunk out of a rubber band. The buttons may be a more substantial material, but I bet a rubber band would be doable.
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