Trav Please!
Who are you arguing with?
So,you practice and preach selective harvest? That's not really that controversial. You choose not to keep fish yourself, but will tolerate those fishing with you in your boat to keep fish which again shouldn't be getting anyone that upset.
You could look up the data about number of fishing licenses sold vvs number of hunting licenses sold fairly easily so no real need for a SWAG there. Given the difficulty in having places to hunt verses easy access to fishing and the lower start up cost to fish vs start up cost to hunt, I would assume that you are correct. Your point that hunting and fishing are apples and oranges is fairly valid and shouldn't be causing anyone to lose any sleep.
I wish the Game and Fish folks could regulate purely on what the fisheries need, but there are lots of other influences that can't be ignored. In general though, our fishing is good shape. PLUS it takes so stinking long to do a scientific survey that if the fishery is really in trouble the damage will have been done long before they can respond.
It's a beautiful day, go outside and enjoy it.