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  • Birthday 11/21/1987

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CLINTC's Achievements

Bigmouth Buffalo

Bigmouth Buffalo (5/89)



  1. 1 fish 13 inch on YUM Crawbug in smoke with red/black flake on the James river close to golf course in Republic in February.
  2. My kicker moter is a 35HP and standerd trolling moter
  3. After winning the Harris Chain does Shaw Grigsby do it at St Johns or will the home river work for Terry Scroggins pick one
  4. I also pulled the battery to the main moter where it cant be lowerd to cheat the sysetem and they check for that every time. And if you call and ask and they will say no but if you show up with all your ducks in a row they cant do anything about it because its not agenst the rules.
  5. Read good ole table rock topic we killed whites a crappie
  6. Fished from sun up to sun down, Caught a limit of crappie and white bass using viscious hair jigs pink head black body a white tail and rooster tail for whites. Minnows and YUM tubes for crappie. Caught A dozen or so bass 5 good keepers and I not in a tournament go figure. Using Zara spooks in the morning and Yum craw pape, wiggle warts and lucky craft stick baits in the evening. Fished out of Aunts Creek up the James river.
  7. If I don't feel like going to any of the major lakes I go to fellows or lake Springfield, I pull the prop raise the motor and only use the kicker motor and it is not against the rules. The guy at the boat house and lady game warden tried to find a reason but it ended up being fine with them. So I do it regularly with no problems.
  8. Ill be in it blue stratus with yum,lucky craft,and viscious fishing sponserd boat
  9. Just out of curiosity if you where fishing a tournament with $400.00 dollars of your on money with a chance to win 5000.00 and you snagged a 8 pd LM that would more then likely win it you would trow it back or keep it
  10. You didn't check my resume I'm not old enough for that!
  11. You would think but that aint the way they see it! The new composete mix graphite rods are great but there heat tolerance sucks. It was bent in the bottom with crap under it and other stuff on top, And in the heat and the way it was bent it kept the shape. If everyone wants to know what brand it is a carrot stix 8' heavy action flippen pole. They are great exept for that.
  12. Stored in the rod box all summer, fall and winter used it last spring when the bass where on the beds.
  13. What type of jig where you using?
  14. Yes Bass Pro gave me a $25.00 gift card for the problum but that dont cover the cost of gas from Rogersville to Forsith and the rod has a life time warrenty but it was my falt for the crook in the rod
  15. Its a $200.00 dollor pole no plans on trashing it! I took it to the bass pro repair shop and all they did was break the tip> took it to Forsith and he fixed it with a hair dyrer ( the crook in it ) and fixed the broke tip with a splice.
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