The wife and I put in at H ramp around 8 am. Got a late start of course. Water temp was right at 58 with 4+ foot clarity. Temp reached 62 by end of day. Fished Little and Big Indian areas all day till 6 pm. Had lots of shorts (30+) and 8 keepers, biggest was 3.5# black. Most were K's. Biggest success was on the 1/4 oz. shakey using a 4" senko in either dark watermellon green or what I call the Halloween color.... orange, brown and purplish blue. Nothing magical, just drag it slowly along the bottom and shake it occasionally. Did have a few on 3/8 oz finesse jig but always went back to the shakey. Also had 2 shorts on a jerk bait but nothing on a wart or spinnerbait.... which really surprised me. The prime depth was 12' but did catch a few shallower. Secondary points or within 100 feet of the point either way from spawning cuts or coves was key. I saw no beds and no roamers. Went up to Railroad cove and just into begining of the James mid afternoon and Wow!! Whats up with the acres and acres of what looks like golden alge bloom streamers all over some of the coves and cuts. Some places mid lake in those areas also looked like a golden swirly mat type streamers hanging about 2 feet under water. Lake must be turning over in those places I guess. I've never seen anything like it. Almost like you could step out of your boat and walk on it. It wasnt moss and it wasn't pollen. Anyway, where that was going on we caught zero fish. Happy Easter everyone!