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Everything posted by waterback

  1. Thanks for bringing this subject to light as I was unaware of such a problem. I've been fishing streams enough over the years to be embarrased about it and only once have I seen someone with a spear or gig so maybe I need to pay closer attention. I'm not talking about one stream of water, I'm talking about any stream within 2hrs of Fayetteville. I don't say that to argue how much gigging is happening but it does make me hesitant to believe that its rampant among the populus. The crews that keep them ALL are what I see and personally despise. I've seen some latin folk on the elk and sugar creeks keep everything they catch..even if its only 5in long
  2. Right on, thanks ya'll! I've stopped trusting any online gauges cause too many fishing trips ended up being just a trip. This forum can actually save you money!!... she'll never believe that one This weather is crazy but I won't complain..may never see a summer like this again. Not real good on the corn and okra though
  3. guess this forum has died
  4. How goes it! I was hoping one of you Marion county fella's might know what the water looks like this morning. I'd planned on fishing closer to home but we're flooded out around the Fayetteville area so I thought crooked might be doable. Any luck or am I SOL?
  5. Great video! Is it odd to catch largemouth on the northfork? Could a man expect to catch a good number of smallmouth there?
  6. Picture por favor
  7. I think we're all still looking for that fish...I stopped fishing crooked this year cause its bathwater warm and the fish are stressed enough without me yanking em around. I've been making the trip to bryant and norfork instead
  8. I've had this for a couple years but have never used it...don't ask. Its a green sage in color and still has the tags on it. I pulled it out tonight thinking I was gonna transfer my tackle from my other pack into it but I'd rather have something else so I decided to part ways. It seems that the price has come down on these so I reckon I gotta take a bigger loss on this I'm hoping to get $75 but I would be open to trade for a decent reel or whatever as well. I'm in fayetteville but chances are if you got smallies I can prolly make the trip. Let me know Heres a link if it helps - http://www.flyfishingflyshop.com/product/William-Joseph-Escape-Pack-Closeout-Sale.html
  9. flytyer that wasatch pack looks a little too involved for my purpose...I may just have to make my own from a dry bag and use some other sort of cooling apparatus instead of ice.
  10. Well I've taken it on a couple trips and its a decent bag and it really isn't bulky at all. The listed dimensions are 12x12x25 but the thickness is actually only about 8" or so, pretty much like a regular backpack. The dry bag storage should not be labeled as such, its just a zipper so there's no way it could stay dry. The cooler won't keep things cold for long and it is listed as sealed as well but again, its just a zipper. For $40 delivered it wasn't a terribly bad investment as I can use it elsewhere but its not what I'm looking for. If I didn't wade above my waist it would work lots better. I'll keep looking.
  11. I fished from sunup to sundown yesterday and didn't see one person. Fishing wasn't nearly what it was just 2 or 3 weeks ago. Good luck though
  12. Well I went ahead and ordered one, its an ogio with a cooler on the bottom and dry bag on top. It may be a bit bulky but I won't know for sure til I get. It should work perfect for what I need. I'm usually with someone and have to have enough things for them as well it seems so I always pack extra. Plus I got a family of four and this will work well for a lot of events that we'd go to. I'll let ya know what I think of it after some testing, heres a link to it http://mysportdepot.com/action-sports/ogio-upscale-ogio-freezer-cooler-pack-backpack-bag
  13. I'm wanting to get a new tackle box that you wear like a backpack and that has a cooler built into it. I'd like to keep about a 6 pack in it and just enough room for a few jigs and trailers. If you have one that has done you well I'd like to hear what kind and how big it is. With the rivers getting so low again I'd just prefer wading. I wanted to note that I am not a fly fisherman
  14. Did you end up going?
  15. If you put in at the hwy 62 bridge your good but yes there is a log jam about a half mile up from 62 coming from the old bridge.
  16. My life is fishing and I am fortunate to fish about 5 days a week. I put many miles on my feet and canoe and don't foresee many water holes that I haven't touched, yet. I know crooked is not what it was many years ago due to the mining but alas, they have stopped and the fish could have only gained ground again. It is the only place that I can say spoiled me with its quantity and quality of fish... I will not catch less than a hundred fish any time I go....and I don't mind taking anyone who likes to fish just to see them have one of the best days on the water to be had. Delusional , thats a negative ghost rider
  17. Does this boat have a new owner yet?
  18. You didn't happen to notice an anchor in the rapids coming out of the willow trees about 200yds up from the bridge did ya? I've got to get back down there and retrieve it I hope, but I'm betting someone else may have snagged it already
  19. I went there yesterday but the gate was locked so I had to go next door instead...he said there's not many smallies in the there We put in at sugar island and floated back and the fish were there but seemed very skeptical about anything wer threw...except the little ones. I couldn't find hog heavens phone # anywhere and got a late start so no time to post on here to figure it out
  20. That fish was released back so hopefully I'll be next in line to feel the force
  21. Great fish brother, I have an almost exact story as you from last Thursday except we'd fished the pond before but this time we were allowed to take their little flat bottom out on it. My buddy caught this within 20 minutes of tossing a worm around...9.2 lbs !! Wish I had more pics but its the biggest fish I have ever seen
  22. I caught my largest fish just below two sons on the 21st...I dare not say the size of that large mouth because I haven't seen a 5 pound fish in a while but he made my year regardless. It seems we always catch a nice kentucky every time we go which is about 2-3 times a week
  23. Sweeet!! I did the Kings today from trigger gap and the water was pretty clear. Fishing wasn't too good from anyone I saw all day, but night time brought em out. Caught about 90% of the my fish from 8 to 9. I'll be dropping in the slab tomorrow so maybe I'll see you guys around
  24. Thanks guys! What are your thoughts on the fishability of crooked today? I gotta get to the water
  25. Thanks brother...any idea where I could find a non chocolate milk river today or tomorrow?
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