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Everything posted by Danoinark

  1. Nice!!!
  2. Ditto on the Birthday Wishes....
  3. TFO customer service is excellent...ship it and I bet its back in a week.
  4. Jack, I have said this before, but I think you are best to get the basic tools, then just the materials for the flies you want to tie. Most of the time the kits include items you will never use. You can walk into any fly shop, ask for the materials for a specific pattern and they will even show you how to tie it.
  5. Check recycling centers ... lots of folks sell these.
  6. Looks like they offer two of em.... http://www.fontanasports.com/Safe-Passage-Sling-Pack-26288 http://www.tcoflyfishing.com/TCO_Fly_Fishing_L5_Product.cfm?productid=35162&source=googleps
  7. At night I use 8 to 10 lb straight mono as a leader and tippet. Dano
  8. Much like the Airflow and Cabelas' sinking leaders. Do as Wrench and Cricket suggested I bet that will work much better.
  9. Fly Rod Tube Jig http://www.warmwaterflytyer.com/patterns6.asp?page=16
  10. http://www.kplr11.com/entertainment/kplr-rock-snot-missouri-ecosystem-090711,0,4848827.story
  11. Ditto.
  12. Another idea is to use the dremel as a lathe as suggested, then use emery boards to sand and shape the cork.
  13. Nice report!
  14. New boots and I think I'll get one of these too. http://www.azod.com/fishing/FlyFishing/Archives/2002/Gladder%20Bladder-Product%20Review%20and%20Field%20Test%20by%20Terry%20Chia.htm
  15. Well, now I have a use for those old black canvas low quarter Converse All Stars that have been gathering dust in the fishing closet...... Dano
  16. Mine is a light yellow thread body, black bead, peacock herl thorax and small green wire wrap midge I have lots of success on in the Rocking Chair section.
  17. I've always like to use a size 16 or 18 lt olive soft hackle for a midge emerger on Taney. They can be fished in the film, subsurface and even as a dry. On the swing they "emerge" as a caddis or other similar bug found on Taney. Dano
  18. Agreed Al, You would be hard pressed to find the hares ear, pt nymph or simple soft hackles in a new fly fishers box these days. It seems the fly fishing industry is always touting the newest materials, synthetics, weights, and gear that tend to make many entering the sport feel they must "have" the most expensive tackle, either to keep up with the "Jones'" or they will not be successful on the stream. Being the frugal fly fisherman I am, I learned longed ago this fly fishing thing is not rocket science.
  19. I don't think so and I know the fish don't care. The wire supposedly just makes the bug sturdier. Dano
  20. Thanks Tim. I appreciate everyone's well wishes.
  21. I'm in Don, thanks.
  22. jd, doc said it was incapsulated, rotten and burst.....nasty.
  23. Just got everyone validated. Sorry for the delay had an emergency appendectomy on Sunday morning and did get out of the hospital until this morning....200 miles away from home. Good night.
  24. Dally's Ozark Fly Shop on Highway 412 between Cotter and Gassville. http://www.theozarkflyfisher.com/ Dano
  25. Agreed, fish a soft hackle on the dead drift or short strips. Cast straight out and once the fly lands give a good strip to get the fly int he film. Dano
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