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lee G.

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by lee G.

  1. My son is Air Force, Ill send him that one mic, Thanks!!
  2. I really cant recommend, I just know we didnt get much run off around here, so its low I think. The lower one should have more water, I would think. And there is another float from 7 to the the cave road that is about the same distance And i dont know if that access is public or private, all I know is everyone uses it, lol
  3. I live 7 or 8 miles from the put ins you are interested in. I got 1 and 7/8 inches the last few days, with almost no runoff in the creeks, I would guess you are looking at some dragging. There is a access at 133, but rather hard to find, it is the first road toward Richland past the bridge,thru fields, it turns back toward the river, last 200ft best have a 4 wheel drive.
  4. I use the Ghost Pepper sauce on rice, and it doesnt take much Brian!
  5. I am at a inch and a half here now. Very little run off.
  6. But I got 3/4 of a bottle I could send you!
  7. One you dont want to try is Dave's Ghost Pepper, naga jolokia hot sauce, I still have most of a bottle left from 2 years ago! Put this stuff on Ness, you dont worry about flavor.
  8. Breaking News! At the Official Turtle farm weather station 1 quart pot saw horse mounted rain gauge, we now have a staggering 1 and 1/8 inches of rain, at 3:24 PM.
  9. They must have had more rain down south UnCive, as of now I have only one inch of rain here in Richland.
  10. Yes!
  11. I am only fishing dry flies.
  12. Buzz, that was me, i ate a lot of your peaches, sorry
  13. Wrench, i didnt mean that all, and I really dont need you putting words in my mouth. I realize you are hot about the subject, but dont think every one disagrees with all your thoughts.
  14. Ok, i wondered if that might be what happened, instead of planed shot fired. AS to the rest of your post, I dont think my comments would would be of interest to anyone, so thanks for added info on those cases. Come to think of it, a few weeks a CCW shot himself at a theater in Co. Was in the news feed somewhere.
  15. Am I clear on this wrench, these cases are where CCW carriers shot innocent bystanders?
  16. Will the size 22 Betty White nymph help me with my lack of wake problem Justin? If so, I need a couple of doz.
  17. I just watched the video again, the wake is my problem for sure, but I am doing all the rest right, just need work on the wake!
  18. I havent been creating enough wake!
  19. mic has a point, i shot 3 of these last fishing trip, but i missed the dang bunny with the snare drum that was with them!
  20. I missed a shot of eagle in a big oak tree, a turkey had landed in the tree about 10 feet from the eagle and was yelling at it, looked like. Left the camera at home that day. That would have been good photo! I always say - Take the camera when you go out the back door! But I don't !
  21. Al has brought up the No. 1 rule in photography- The best photo shots WILL show up when you cant get to a camera!
  22. Found one dead on my farm two days ago, but unsure why it died.
  23. Fax me one of the fruit, I'll eat it , and tell you what it is.
  24. From the leaf shape, it looks to be an American Plum, instead of the Hortulan Plum.
  25. We are just joking about the fly fishing-bait deal. That was a amazing fish from Crane, and one of a life time from what i read!
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