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jovush's Achievements

Chestnut Lamprey

Chestnut Lamprey (2/89)



  1. thanks for the input. Will share pics if I'm successful. I've hunted several places at lake and seen many deer...........and many coyotes following not far behind. Haven't seen the caliber of bucks that I know exist there yet.
  2. Thanks!! I'm on my way
  3. Thanks!! I've used a number of resources to trim my focus and have spent a lot of time stalking the woods. A few years ago I saw a huge buck in the back of a truck at a Greenfield C-store and asked the guy if he shot the deer locally, he just grunted "yep". I was hoping to run into one of that buck's offspring near the lake.
  4. Can you guys save me a little time from tramping all over the hundreds of miles of shore line and share a few spots that I can focus on in pursuit of the monster buck? Are there any places that don't require a boat to access? I won't ask for your favorite fishing spot but I'm not too proud to ask for a hint or two when it comes to big deer. Thanks!!
  5. Care to describe how you use them? I have found when it comes to crappie I'm challenged.....I need all the tricks I can stuff in my tackle box
  6. I'm orginally from Louisanna and was told "The meat tastes best close to the bone".
  7. I came across this site and wondered if anyone has used it.
  8. Does anyone know why the state doesn't create any brush piles in the lower part of the lake?
  9. My daughter works there and I asked her about the tax rate. She said it will be 7.6%. If I made it to Joplin, Academy was a definite stop, glad we have one opening in Springfield.
  10. You're correct, sorry I meant MstStudent10, it musta been that picture of your monster Walleye..........it was foremost on my mind. Since you've never been to Son's Creek, if you go there remember not to boat between the coloumns of the bridge!! Ü
  11. Report- Well we got rained out for Friday but did get to sneak out for a few hours Saturday. Huck mentioned the Son creek and since I've never been there I thought we'd give it a try. Launched my dinghy on the flooded ramp off 39 and explored the area. Took your advice and tried the Shaky Head method and it paid off. We hooked into a few and had a great time. Thanks a bunch guys....will have the chance to take her back!!! On a safety note!!!!! With the flooded condition be extra careful of submerged obstructions. Like I said, I had never been in this area before and while idling under the bridge I chose to go between two of the columns to check with the graph....how was I to know they are connected by a now submerged support? Lucky I was only idling and had my motor unlocked. Nothing damaged but only my ego. Safety tip = always suspect what you can't see underwater and DON'T DRIVE BETWEEN COLUMNS UNDER 39 BRIDGE!! I'm sure I would have seen this if water wasn't up six feet.
  12. Thanks guys for a very detailed approach!! Gonna load up on a variety of worms and head out to try these techniques, will report back. Thanks again. Joe
  13. I've taken the wife out a couple times now and haven't been able to get her into a bunch of fish. This is making me look real bad and jeopardizing my fishing future if i don't show her some good fishing. We plan on going out Friday afternoon till dark and would appreciate any pointers. Plan on putting in at either CC or Ruark area. Would love some crappie but anything on the line will make things much better. My question...where would you go and what would you fish with? Thanks in advance guys.
  14. No one here, not listening, (fingers in ears saying, blah,blah, blah) go ahead divulge that secret honey-hole in complete privacy here. Ü any tips to get a leg up on those darn elusive crappie will be deeply appreciated!!!
  15. I did see a number of crappie carcuses littered at the CC ramp Saturday. Sure will leave a pleasant aroma for the rest. BTW- the person that left them must have fished out my spots........I didn't catch a thing except for grabbing the minnows out the bucket.
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