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Everything posted by perchjerker

  1. Dawg I'll make it easy on you. I'll be wearing a hat that says PERCHJERKER...
  2. Good shot Dogsquat, keep those reports coming.I have a few crackle backs to try when I come down later this month. Maybe I'll see you on the water.
  3. Thanks Phil does this mean we can now have a place to walk for getting to the Lookout area?
  4. Hey while their looking for your Boga Grip, I lost the butt cover of my graphite rod for ajusting wieght at the back of my rod. It's black & silver with a bolt that screws into the rod. I lost it somewhere above #1 outlet,to the parking lot by #2.Anyone finding it hang on to it for the old perchjerker.But be careful if it's close to the water the Giant Taney Squid could be using it for bait. If you know what I mean......
  5. How did your trip with Joe go? We are thinking about booking a trip with him.Get me from the name Perchjerker. Thanks.

  6. I was up above outlet 1 Fri., & Sat. for some time during the day. A red San Jaun with a primrose & pearl dropper was working excellent. A #4 shot 7" above the San Jaun was getting it down to the fish.I had a friend with me that should never try to flyfish. If anyone saw a polar bear trying to fly fish that was Rich (catcher mitts for hands) Bartman. We were able to find a few suicidal fish with one nice Brown and 1 big Bluegill.Could'nt do any night fish due to too many Blue Jello Shots at Ernie Biggs. It was great fishing without half of Tablerock coming thru the valley below. Hope to see some of you on Sept. 26,27 on the next trip down.
  7. On 165 just up the hill from Fall Creek Resturant is a place called Odee's. A steak special he has there is a large tail end of a tenderlion which he angle cuts on which makes it melt in your mouth tender.I think he calls it a tender cut steak.It goes for around $11.00 and comes with a salad and a potato or side.Also I had a very good steak with Deaddrift at the Cattle Company on the Landing. A little more pricey but gooood.I also have to give a plug for Famous Dave's BBQ on the Landing.Their St. louis style ribs are the best (tasty & meaty) I have ever had. I can't eat a full order even when I' hungry.Good luck wherever you go.
  8. Wow water is off for a short time and the fishing reports are coming in.Glad to see the Forum abuzz with info. Hope it is an omen of the good things to come. Thanks everyone for the sign that fishing could be back to our Taney we love so much. Hope to see some of you on the water next weekend . Please do'nt practice catch & release if it's a Giant Taney Squid....
  9. Next time have more jump on your plate so we can have some "tasty" too...
  10. Keep those reports coming Phil. I'll be down the 22nd 23rd 24th.Always a big help to get started with some cofidence with what you're doing. Also will need a slip if you have one. I'm sure you are booked solid but I'll check in to see if you had any last minute no-shows.
  11. Nice pair of browns deaddrift .

  12. Hey crappie man would Bass Tracker have a replacement seats for a 1982 Bass Tracker.It takes a wierd size to cover the storage area below them.I think they are 15"x 18". In store are 15"x !15".If you leave a message on my site Perchjerker I would appreciate it.

  13. Hey Laker, I did catch him on a Mylar Fly but it was on rod and reel on Lake Michigan out of Algoma Wis. No way would it compare with catching one that size out of Taney , but a great fish none the less. We had 4 of them over 10 lbs. that day.Two years ago I caught a 17 lbs. Rainbow up there. keep your line wet as much as you can..Perch.
  14. Thanks Dano. I'll write it down and won't have to try and remember what it was. See you on the water....Perch
  15. I tried looking in previous post but could'nt find the calculation for a fishes wieght using Girth & Length. Just got back from Wisconsin and caught a Brown Trout 29 1/4" long and a girth of 19". Anyone have the Calculation???? Thanks ahead of time for the answer. I love this Forum.
  16. WEEEOOO!!! What a fish.Congrats to Mr. Lucky for catching it.When the fish of a lifetme comes a knockin I can't say what I would do. If I was sure it would have a chance to live I would probably put him back, but I would be lying if I said I would'nt enjoy taking that puppy to every Bar I've been to, and show him off. Only regret is that if he did stay in the lake, he looks big enough to take on some of the Giant Taney Squids and win...
  17. Great report Leonard. Any feel for a Ballpark figure when the water will start slowing down.I'm chompin at the bit to get some fly fishing under my gut. A crappie trip to Truman didn't quell the water flogger in me. Thanks
  18. What a weekend of fishing it was. Started out right below cable,caught walleye (4lb), smallmouth,rainbows,browns, and as you can see some very nice crappie. This one about 14".Later that night we hung around outlet #2 with 124th white jig and grey scuds.We caught about 10 fish nothing big but all were bulked up from swimming in all that current.Switched to a pink san juan worm under glow lights and caught more in the dark. Sat. rented a boat from Lilley's and caught more fishing from Monkey Island to Bass Pro.Finished up about a mile down throwing yellow foam spiders in creeks at the spawning bluegill.(Thanks Phil).Never had such a smorgasboard of spieces as this trip.Very different, but I sure would like to have my old Taney back. I'll keep watching OAF locals for when they might at least shut off the water sometime during a 24 hour period,and be down at my favorite fishing area in the whole world.Ha not one Taney Sqiud sighting.....
  19. I finally got time off of work for good behavior,and will be down fishing Fri. Sat. & Sun. with brother Skip. We are going to try and fish every day and night, with as little sleeping as possible.(I'll get plenty of sleep when I get back to work).If you see two fat boys beating the water by the Dam come on over and say Howdy.As you know I do'nt tie flies so anyone with some PMS flies can make a sale right there on the water. I love fishing Taney when the giant squids are'nt running....
  20. Hey Phil was by your place Thursday to pick up some jigs. Went fishing between Outlet 1 and the old boat ramp.Used a 1/8th oz. white jig with a 1/32 oz olive & brown 10" behind it on my ultralight.Bows and browns were hitting both.Could'nt seem to find any smallies or walleyes. Came back@ 5am Mon. morning to outlet 2 On the fly rod using your smallest o/b jig with a woven scud dropper I caught many bows & browns. Two browns were knocking at the 18' door.The bite quit at 8am and I went back to the ultralight and caught more in the deep fast water. Great to get back down. I'll drop by again next month when Im down. Keep those fishing reports up to date, it sure gives me a jump on what to expect.p.s. don't know what was hanging by outlet 2 but he broke my line twice with a killer strike . The fight was over before it began.
  21. Taking a stripper trip to Beaver Lake on this coming weekend, but I'll probably fish Thursday evening/night & Friday morning. Then back again Sunday evening/night & Monday morning. Hope to see someone to get some pointers, if Tayney is doing it's cheap imitation of the Colorado River(Class 4 Whitewater). The old fat boy with the Perchjerker hat can't wait to be in my favorite fishin spot. SEE YA <)Sorry can't figure out how to delete this post...
  22. Taking a stripper trip to Beaver Lake on this coming weekend, but I'll probably fish Thursday evening/night & Friday morning. Then back again Sunday evening/night & Monday morning. Hope to see someone to get some pointers, if Tayney is doing it's cheap imitation of the Colorado River(Class 4 Whitewater). The old fat boy with the Perchjerker hat can't wait to be in my favorite fishin spot. SEE YA <)
  23. I checked with the national weather service, and they said there will be weather from Monday to Sunday. Good Luck, Any weather is good if your fishing Taney.
  24. 2 years ago I turned in a person using live bait in the trophy area on a pontoon boat .The night before he was bragging he had been fishing Tayney for years and no one was going to tell him how and where to fish.He was caught the next day with a healthy fine.I also know of another boater who pays no attention to the limit and has had large fines twice.So a few are being caught .Hope everyone just keeps an open eye out for the abusers.
  25. You are a more die hard fisherman than I am Len , I see water that high and it's Beer Time at Ernie Biggs .
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