I have a 2004 Jeep Liberty Limited 4x4 that I'm wanting to sale. It's in perfect condition and has right at 73,000 miles on it. I'm looking to get a small truck that would better suit my needs. I'm asking $9,800. I have pics and can send to those interested. You can reach me here or 870-754-0874 Harrison.
thanks for all the concerns. i've spent plenty of time in my yak, canone, bass boat, etc...... so i am well aware of the perils of floating a tail water stream. now back to my original questions, mileage from dam to landing?
interested in floating taney from dam down to landing. where is the best spot to take out? what kind of mileage am i looking at for total float. thanks
why did you back down and conform to a few idiots on this forum? last time i checked these streams aren't owned by any one individual. so post it up. i want details and access points of where you fished, so i can get out and enjoy the wonderful resources we have. chief if you don't want people fishing your honey holes buy a nice piece of land with a pond and build some fences.
don't try and bully people into not sharing with others their great day on the water. chances are, information has been shared with you in the past.
Billy Y just got served. At least you caught alot of bass, gay or not. how do you tell if a bass is homo or hetero by the way? do they only have a right fin?
where is the respect for the worm that was used to catch my glourious trout, the respect for the chicken that was plucked to tie your fly? fishing ultimately affects some form of life in one way or the other. pro life???? fine for the fish but not the worm???? fry a fish or two that's what they are there for. scream in excitement when you've caught a personal best. that's what's it's about, if your wanting be pro life, stay home and watch whale wars.......
check out the above link for a great map of the mighty buffalo. the upper section is beautiful for sure! on the stretch you are planning you'll have a chance to take short hike up to hemmed in hollow falls. a must, if you get the chance. i'd recommend staying in the campgrounds. gravel bar camping can be fun but be mindful of flash flood possibilites that time of year. don't want to get caught with your pants down! i'd check out BOC in ponca for outfitter/info. they are great. hope you guys have a great trip, i'm sure it won't be your last after you experience it.
any body been fishing lately? drove by lake ann yesterday and it's pretty much frozen solid. anybody know if the other bv lakes are the same? i'm assuming so.
I've always thought the same. It's been a few years since I've read the book but doesn't the author mention going to hospital in Jonesboro? Could be the Spring River, Mammoth Springs or Hardy kind of fit the description of the small town close to the homestead. I agree with ya, probably some fiction but based off of somewhere in AR. Good read though, might pick it up again this winter.
fished the park a few weeks back and noticed the same thing. numbers looked low, guess the "catch and keep season" has affected the population. didn't see any large trout, mostly stockers. anybody know how often new trout are released?
am i correct, does the little sugar run thru bella vista? is so has anyone had much success with smallies? looks like it could have some potential?
What stretch were you guys floating? I learned how to fish on Crooked Creek around the Harmon area. By far my favorite stream in the world! Those are some pigs.