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Bass Ivy

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About Bass Ivy

  • Birthday 12/04/1971

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Pea Ridge, Arkansas
  • Interests
    Watching my son play sports, and my daughters cheerleading. I like to hunt and fish, and I am a beekeeper.

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Black Bullhead

Black Bullhead (7/89)



  1. He helped me out too in the past. Started catching stripers.
  2. He used to post on here a lot. I looked at his history he’s not been on here in over two years. Anyone know if he’s still around?
  3. I tell you where I seen some nice ones. In that creek at the Shiloh pavilion in Springdale West johnson avenue. But I just looked and. It’s the head of spring creek which is a tributary of the Illinois River. So I guess can’t use them from that creek.
  4. Have to go way up the creeks. Might be some blelow lake Atalanta. I’ve never looked there.
  5. Anyone ever tried Creek Chubs in Beaver on Stripers? I tried them years ago but I didn’t know what I was doing At the time. I think they should work. just don’t know how good they would work.
  6. One time was at the ramp at 12 Bridge. It was Memorial Day. Somebody had this awesome speed boat man it had a big block in it. Chrome headers. Flames painted on it. I bet it was the first time this dude launched it. Anyway he had rollers on the trailer. He unhooked the front of the boat and proceeded to have his buddy back him down the ramp. The boat slid right off the trailer and onto the concrete. 😂. It was a beautiful boat with not a scratch on it before That. So then the ramp is blocked. So about 15 guys gets down there and they rock and slide and wallow that boat down the concrete ramp and into the water. Just beat the hell out of the bottom of it.
  7. I w broke the tips off circle hooks on stripers. Still land the fish but the tips will be broke off.
  8. It’s been awhile since I’ve been out trolling for stripers. But was planning on maybe going in the next week or so. Where are they at right now? I can pull 10 up to 12 at once. Looks kinda funny with an 18 foot bass boat lol. Run 6 planer boards. Been awhile since I’ve been out like a few years. My 15 year old daughter is begging to go. Last time I went in was in about January years ago and we were finding some in prairie creek. I’m sure they are on the move from the deep end up the lake. But some areas to Target sure would help out.
  9. Also forgot to mention you don’t have to fish out deep. Just near deep water. Cast along the bank in 4 to 6 foot of water.
  10. You might be able to go back and find some of my old posts. There should be somE pictures of cats we’ve caught out of Beaver. And some more tips. Used mostly jugs
  11. Cut bluegill is hard to beat. Just go catch you a few before dark. Fast breaking banks near the deep water. With boulders and snags. You will catch some fish. I’ve caught flatheads in 50 degree water. Most of the flatheads that I’ve looked at stomach contents out of Beaver had Crawdads in them. So keep that in mind. Liver and stinkbait stuff like that will only catch you little fish. You need to use what the bigger ones are used to feeding on. Use bait from the water you are fishing in for best results. Some will think I’m crazy on that one, but try it you may just be surprised.
  12. Beaver is real good catfishing. It doesnt bother me that everyone avoids the big Beav when it comes to catfishing. Just leaves more for myself.
  13. Exactly looks like a pile of short stripers to me. That right there is what happens to lots of stocked stripers in Beaver
  14. Seen this on Facebook says Arkansas Fish on it. Guy is from NW arkansas so Im assuming from Beaver Lake. What do you think?
  15. I would say that a fish being thrown into an ice chest of ice alive is not any more humane than just throwing a live fish down and having him fillet'd in a few seconds. Looks to me like the ice would be a slow way to go out. In hot weather white bass almost have to be put on ice. They wont live in a live well for very long when the water temps get up there, and if they are dead for very long before being fillet'd they are not fit to eat.
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