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Everything posted by Rickf

  1. I haven't heard any of the guides chime in when a client wants to take fish home.
  2. This thread has got out of control, once a year I take a friend fishing to catch enough for a fish fry. This was only nine of about thirty KB we caught and I did keep the walleye for my own freezer. The reason I mentioned the fish having eggs is I would have thought the fish would have been done by now. I guess a person should go to Wallmart to get fish for a fish fry.
  3. But yet it's ok to drag LM and SM off of the beds and throw them in your live well for the day and then let them go if they survive. Ya think those fish are going to find there bed again and lay there eggs?
  4. Fished the last couple of days, caught everything LM, SM, Cat fish tons of Kentuckys plus some nice Walleye. Water temp. 74ish all fish came from a depth of 15 to 20ft. Kept some Kentuckys for a fish fry all were full of eggs.
  5. Fished the last couple of days, caught everything LM, SM, Cat fish tons of Kentuckys plus some nice Walleye. Water temp. 74ish all fish came from a depth of 15 to 20ft. Kept some Kentuckys for a fish fry all were full of eggs.http://forums.ozarkanglers.com/uploads/monthly_06_2015/post-11524-0-01314200-1433454975.jpghttp://forums.ozarkanglers.com/uploads/monthly_06_2015/post-11524-0-72652800-1433455008.jpghttp://forums.ozarkanglers.com/uploads/monthly_06_2015/post-11524-0-60514100-1433455042.jpghttp://forums.ozarkanglers.com/uploads/monthly_06_2015/post-11524-0-99536200-1433455057.jpg
  6. All of the crappie I've been catching have been on the bottom in 20 to 25, a lot of them have been 14 to 16". They have not been in the brush.
  7. We're there any parking places? I went yesterday and the parking lot and grass was even full. By the way no whites for me but did find a mess of big crappie, to bad for me!! Not
  8. Caught this one in December, didn't weigh it but it was a heavy fish
  9. I new they were in there but I had never seen them up close so that's why I took the picture so that anybody else that hasn't seen them up close could.
  10. I think there were a lot of them out today, fishing with a friend of mine today and had a pontoon pull up twenty feet from me in the spot where I had been casting for quite a while. I said are you kidding me you have watched me fishing here and yet you pull right on top of where we are catching fish. He said you don't own the lake, I said have you ever heard of fishing etiquette I don't think he had. He said how many fish have you caught? I said about fifty, we were on a good school. He said he had the conservation agent on speed dial and he was going to call him because we were catching too many fish, I said we don't keep fish. Other than that we had a wonderful day.
  11. I caught this one at the Kimberling City Bridge recently
  12. Water temp. 45, fish at 35' over 60' feet of water tons of fish to be caught. Indian Point area. Fun stuff.
  13. Sometimes while fishing I catch a stick that makes me sad.
  14. Thanks XP, that's a new one for me, glad my son got a good picture.
  15. Your right fishinwrench I was in a hurry to get the fish back in the water and did not see that.
  16. Thanks for all your input guys. I have caught a few Browns but this one had no orange, yellow or brown just very green with spots.
  17. Thanks in the sun it had some red colors and I wasn't sure.
  18. Rainbow or Brown
  19. But I'm not a very good fisherman and if I throw this one in a tree it only cost me 35 cents. But it will catch fish
  20. The only thing with a slip bobber is if a fish swims up with your jig you will not detect the bite, with this rig the float will go from vertical to horzonal if a fish swims up with it. I know I missed a lot of bites trout fishing when the fish would swim up instead of pulling it down.
  21. I tweek my tackle when it's too cold to fish, you know you all do it!! Any way I use a basic float and fly when I trout fish with trout magnet. Here's my version of a float rig. Cheep Walmart floats with the little weight removed. The 1 1/4" will support a 1/16 oz lure and then lay flat on the water if a fish swims up with it. The 2" float will do the same thing with a 1/8 oz lure. Remember you have to remove the lead from the float or it won't work right.
  22. Thanks Phil I always love watching your videos, makes me a better fisherman
  23. Priceless
  24. My son and I put in at Branson ramp this morning and put fifty rainbows in the boat before noon and never started the big motor
  25. I like it
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